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13 комментарии
bimbodeluxe 1

Amazing, just amazing !
Keep on rocking guys ♥♥♥ ! I want more Hemispheres !

bimbodeluxe 03/18/2011 15:40:00   
EpicMan 1

TOTALLY EPIC !!! Yes yes, I'm Epic Man lol

EpicMan 03/18/2011 19:20:03   
Mathilda 1

yeees that's very cool !
butbut butbut butbut where is the kid we see in the first page ? Two worlds or the same world ? DImensions ? Harry potter lol ?

Mathilda 03/18/2011 19:46:30   
Salagir 32

You'll know about this a little later

Salagir 03/24/2011 09:24:36   
Diogenes Mota 8

Mathilda сказал:yeees that's very cool !
butbut butbut butbut where is the kid we see in the first page ? Two worlds or the same world ? DImensions ? Harry potter lol ?

Tow worlds, maybe, like some RPG I played some years ago...

Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 16:35:27   
gianna 4

Cute cat!!!

gianna 03/23/2011 23:32:57   
TroyB 41

gianna сказал:Cute cat!!!

Indeed .
Welcome here Gianna, glad you like the comics on Amilova... thanks for reading us and thanks for your support, hope you'll like the new pages coming .

TroyB 03/24/2011 09:58:33   
gianna 4

It would be awesome if you translate it into spanish.

gianna 03/24/2011 17:06:34   
Thegreatsaiyaman 3

Another evil cats I wonder if they're cousins also, "Heroes" huh? i bet they're jerks, a hero is respected and that's why you give em a good room not feared.

Thegreatsaiyaman 05/26/2011 01:04:57   
Diogenes Mota 8

Thegreatsaiyaman сказал:Another evil cats I wonder if they're cousins also, "Heroes" huh? i bet they're jerks, a hero is respected and that's why you give em a good room not feared.

I agree. Heroes must give a holy air, benevolence, and not inspire evil through fear.

Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 16:36:40   
Diogenes Mota 8

"Spoiled brat" is a imunnity to what?

Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 16:37:27   
Esteryn 33

Diogenes Mota сказал:"Spoiled brat" is a imunnity to what? Maybe it doesn't work in english ? in french having immunity is having a privilege, protection, like "immunité diplomatique", i think she's saying that having a rich daddy gives her the right to behave like that

Esteryn 08/13/2011 15:20:35   
Esteryn 33

"the immunity spoiled brad" ^.^ funny, love the cat too !

Esteryn 08/13/2011 15:25:23   

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