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6 комментарии
Sakurazu 1

Ouch poor him that must hurt

Sakurazu 05/18/2011 17:19:09   
Makarov 1

is his leg flexible like Luffy ?

Makarov 05/18/2011 19:05:38   
johandark 34

no... it´s like your leg... So you can imagine what he will do next page... (i´ll give you a tip... it starts by... "aaa..." and ends in "rghhh...." and it continues with "!!!!!"...

johandark 05/18/2011 19:33:32   
Gluttony 1

Unicorn rocks !

Gluttony 05/18/2011 20:11:14   
Guts 1

Héhé the girl is still on the unicorn

Guts 05/18/2011 21:50:03   
Ki11er 1


Ki11er 07/01/2011 21:14:05   

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