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4 комментарии
Guildadventure 31

This page have some Cameos. From left to right, the first will be line artist KuKuruYo, the second is the colorist Shugo, and the other two are Raikiri and Sanbag, both readers of this comic.

Guildadventure 04/03/2012 19:43:49   
McLeod 15

Guildadventure сказал:This page have some Cameos. From left to right, the first will be line artist KuKuruYo, the second is the colorist Shugo, and the other two are Raikiri and Sanbag, both readers of this comic.

Ok I understand better

McLeod 06/28/2012 17:07:17   
Re-al Boss 5

for a minute there i thought the guy walked and grew

Re-al Boss 07/24/2013 05:16:33   
Guildadventure 31

Never thought about it that way oO

Guildadventure 07/24/2013 20:53:46   

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Guild Adventure: cover




Автор :

Команда : , ,

Original Language: Español

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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