Oh wow. Totally changed from chapter one feel and style. o.O Why? Even the text is improperly placed...doesn't even fit in some talk bubbles...
Aside from that, the story does indeed intrigue me. It has potential to be epic.
Cole05/19/2011 08:30:07
Cole сказал:Oh wow. Totally changed from chapter one feel and style. o.O Why? Even the text is improperly placed...doesn't even fit in some talk bubbles...
I think it's because for preparing the french (and other languages) translation JohanDark has to provide pages witout text, and the text is placed above the empty places "html".
It looks not so perfect, but if it can help making the comic available in more languages, that's cool for fans and for our super Artist .
Sool05/23/2011 08:35:22
Sool сказал: Cole сказал:Oh wow. Totally changed from chapter one feel and style. o.O Why? Even the text is improperly placed...doesn't even fit in some talk bubbles...
I think it's because for preparing the french (and other languages) translation JohanDark has to provide pages witout text, and the text is placed above the empty places "html".
It looks not so perfect, but if it can help making the comic available in more languages, that's cool for fans and for our super Artist .Makes sense. : )
Viewing it in HD Fullscreen certainly helps though. I didn't do that before haha.
Cole05/29/2011 11:39:01
34 Автор
Cole сказал: Sool сказал: Cole сказал:Oh wow. Totally changed from chapter one feel and style. o.O Why? Even the text is improperly placed...doesn't even fit in some talk bubbles...
I think it's because for preparing the french (and other languages) translation JohanDark has to provide pages witout text, and the text is placed above the empty places "html".
It looks not so perfect, but if it can help making the comic available in more languages, that's cool for fans and for our super Artist .Makes sense. : )
Viewing it in HD Fullscreen certainly helps though. I didn't do that before haha.
The style change because by this way I can Draw Faster (one page every 1 or 2 days... by the other way i can spend 4 days to end a page... I draw alone! xD).
But thank you for your comment (and sorry for my lateness...
johandark09/29/2011 10:48:02
Jameson, now we know what it is !
oscar05/23/2011 09:14:59
34 Автор
oscar сказал:Jameson, now we know what it is !
I don´t know exactly what you mean... xD
johandark09/29/2011 10:48:41
Cool, great evolution
EdwardElric05/23/2011 10:23:28
34 Автор
EdwardElric сказал:Cool, great evolution
You mean on story... on characters... or on the story? xD
johandark09/29/2011 10:49:00
Akuma playing with her Katana !
DRAGONBALLZ05/23/2011 11:00:34
34 Автор
DRAGONBALLZ сказал:Akuma playing with her Katana !
YEAH!! Did you noticed that? :S That´s cool!! jeje I thought it would be too much "subtle"... Thanks!
johandark09/29/2011 10:50:05
Sooooo... when is the hentai scene ?
GinIchimaru05/23/2011 11:39:23
34 Автор
GinIchimaru сказал:Sooooo... when is the hentai scene ?
jajaja... in the new 5th chapter there will appear again PedoBear... for 3 times in one same page... Sooo.... You´ll see it
johandark09/29/2011 10:51:05
If Akuma has big weird ears... I would not be surprised that Jameson hjas psychic powers .
heheh05/23/2011 13:39:20
34 Автор
heheh сказал:If Akuma has big weird ears... I would not be surprised that Jameson hjas psychic powers .
yeah akuma has big weird ears... but... what the hell has Jaume special?...
johandark09/29/2011 10:51:47
"what kind of problems could have a corpse"
someone hasn't seen too many horror movies
mcgrnwlf09/29/2011 03:19:18
34 Автор
mcgrnwlf сказал:"what kind of problems could have a corpse"
someone hasn't seen too many horror movies
"It´s cremated and that´s it" it´s a solution for all Horror movies too... xD
You can translate this comic via our online interface. Translating helps the artist to be more visible, and shows your interest and gratitude. Dedicated translators will be rewarded with Golds.
Oh wow. Totally changed from chapter one feel and style. o.O Why? Even the text is improperly placed...doesn't even fit in some talk bubbles...
Cole 05/19/2011 08:30:07Aside from that, the story does indeed intrigue me. It has potential to be epic.
Cole сказал:Oh wow. Totally changed from chapter one feel and style. o.O Why? Even the text is improperly placed...doesn't even fit in some talk bubbles...
Sool 05/23/2011 08:35:22I think it's because for preparing the french (and other languages) translation JohanDark has to provide pages witout text, and the text is placed above the empty places "html".
It looks not so perfect, but if it can help making the comic available in more languages, that's cool for fans and for our super Artist
Sool сказал: Cole сказал:Oh wow. Totally changed from chapter one feel and style. o.O Why? Even the text is improperly placed...doesn't even fit in some talk bubbles...
.Makes sense. : )
Cole 05/29/2011 11:39:01I think it's because for preparing the french (and other languages) translation JohanDark has to provide pages witout text, and the text is placed above the empty places "html".
It looks not so perfect, but if it can help making the comic available in more languages, that's cool for fans and for our super Artist
Viewing it in HD Fullscreen certainly helps though. I didn't do that before haha.
Cole сказал: Sool сказал: Cole сказал:Oh wow. Totally changed from chapter one feel and style. o.O Why? Even the text is improperly placed...doesn't even fit in some talk bubbles...
.Makes sense. : )
(and sorry for my lateness...
johandark 09/29/2011 10:48:02I think it's because for preparing the french (and other languages) translation JohanDark has to provide pages witout text, and the text is placed above the empty places "html".
It looks not so perfect, but if it can help making the comic available in more languages, that's cool for fans and for our super Artist
Viewing it in HD Fullscreen certainly helps though. I didn't do that before haha.
The style change because by this way I can Draw Faster (one page every 1 or 2 days... by the other way i can spend 4 days to end a page... I draw alone! xD).
But thank you for your comment
Jameson, now we know what it is
oscar 05/23/2011 09:14:59Автор
oscar сказал:Jameson, now we know what it is
johandark 09/29/2011 10:48:41I don´t know exactly what you mean... xD
Cool, great evolution
EdwardElric 05/23/2011 10:23:28Автор
EdwardElric сказал:Cool, great evolution
johandark 09/29/2011 10:49:00You mean on story... on characters... or on the story? xD
Akuma playing with her Katana
DRAGONBALLZ 05/23/2011 11:00:34Автор
DRAGONBALLZ сказал:Akuma playing with her Katana
johandark 09/29/2011 10:50:05YEAH!! Did you noticed that? :S That´s cool!! jeje I thought it would be too much "subtle"... Thanks!
Sooooo... when is the hentai scene
GinIchimaru 05/23/2011 11:39:23Автор
GinIchimaru сказал:Sooooo... when is the hentai scene

johandark 09/29/2011 10:51:05jajaja... in the new 5th chapter there will appear again PedoBear... for 3 times in one same page... Sooo.... You´ll see it
If Akuma has big weird ears... I would not be surprised that Jameson hjas psychic powers
heheh 05/23/2011 13:39:20Автор
heheh сказал:If Akuma has big weird ears... I would not be surprised that Jameson hjas psychic powers
johandark 09/29/2011 10:51:47yeah akuma has big weird ears... but... what the hell has Jaume special?...
"what kind of problems could have a corpse"
mcgrnwlf 09/29/2011 03:19:18someone hasn't seen too many horror movies
mcgrnwlf сказал:"what kind of problems could have a corpse"
johandark 09/29/2011 10:46:15someone hasn't seen too many horror movies
"It´s cremated and that´s it" it´s a solution for all Horror movies too... xD