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 : manga cover

Capítulo piloto da HQ do Dino Hunterz

Roteiro e arte: Yoshi
Arte final: Keiichi
Colorização: Saito

Художник :

Original Language : Brazillian Pt.

Обновления : On hold

Тип : манга
(Комикс (слева направо))

1 comments in other languages.

Marina Marina 22Feb гл1 стр16 bem legal mesmo e a arte está muito boa se você abrir a tradução, eu prometo traduzir em francês :)

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Throneofsouls New Topic! 21Oct New picture for future manga Honestly, this looks like very high work. Do you have a title for this ? And what other themes does your manga cover if I may ask (...)
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MariaMungia New Topic! 15Apr Anterra Chronicles, my adventure manga Sorry for the late reply, but it's excellent. You are very talented.
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Alan D.D. New Topic! 20Oct Hey There ^^ Ok, little mistake. I thought this one was published before but closed the page by accident. Hello ^^ I'm Alan, a writer, blogger (...)



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