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16 комментарии
TroyB 41

OUla... le texte français a pas comme de gros soucis ? C'est incompréhensible.
QUI est le coupable ?

TroyB 08/29/2011 16:39:45   
johandark 34

ma faute ... partir de la page ETA ne fait pas une semaine que j'ai traduit en anglais ... et Lysgris pas eu le temps de traduire ... intentions claires et je fais moi-même pour voir si je vous encourage à le faire dès ...

johandark 08/29/2011 16:49:24   
TroyB 41

johandark сказал:ma faute ... partir de la page ETA ne fait pas une semaine que j'ai traduit en anglais ... et Lysgris pas eu le temps de traduire ... intentions claires et je fais moi-même pour voir si je vous encourage à le faire dès XD ...

Au moins tu as des réactions .
Pas facile de trouver des traducteurs sérieux et disponibles... mais si tu fais une demande dans le forum, il y aura surement des candidatures.
Il faut que je fasse une vidéo pour montrer à quel c'est simple et sympa de faire des traductions !!! L'interface est vraiment fluide maintenant, traduire est devenu ultra simple !

TroyB 08/29/2011 16:53:17   
johandark 34

voir si elle en toute simplicité .. Je suis en fait la traduction hémisphères et je trouve qu'il est très facile. Seulement, il a fallu presque un mois pour être correcte pour être traduit ... et il est encore difficile pour moi en anglais par la fenêtre correctement .. mais je suppose qu'avec le temps il sera de fixation. hehe mais la vérité est que c'est génial

johandark 08/29/2011 17:00:54   
lysgris 8

le problème étant que je traduit de l'anglais, pas de l' dernière fois que je me suis mis a traduire, l"anglais s'arrêtait précisément à cette page.De plus je reviens de voyage, j'ai pas vraiment eu le temps de m'y mettre. Vais essayer de prendre un chouia d'avance, ne serait-ce que pour que ce soit "confortable". ah oui , et apprendre l'orthographe et la conjugaison, aussi.

lysgris 08/30/2011 04:59:41   
salazarus 1

très beaux dessins, la lecture en HD est super agréable :pimp:
j'ai bien fait de créer un compte :santa:

salazarus 08/30/2011 09:54:07   
johandark 34

Je suis content que vous aimez les comics et ont commencé à faire partie du "amilova"

johandark 08/30/2011 10:56:39   
Esteryn 33

J'espère qu'il a pas commis une centaine de péchés, sinon ça va lui en faire des ave maria à réciter le pauvre ^.^ J'espère que le prêtre court plus vite que le médecin legiste ^.^'

Esteryn 08/30/2011 21:06:17   
Isidesu 24

Toujours aussi bien Jameson ne se rappelle même plus de son nom d'origine et il semble avoir des problèmes de conscience...
Merci encore pour cette BD et bon courage pour continuer

Isidesu 08/31/2011 00:40:56   
johandark 34

oui, maintenant je suis de réservation pages, en attendant le amilova concurrence.

Toujours essayer d'accrocher deux pages par semaine, donc l'attente est si longue: P jusqu'au 15 Octobre.

D'ici là, je l'espère, d'accrocher 4 pages par semaine.

Merci pour vos commentaires ^ ^

johandark 08/31/2011 08:05:42   
circé 17

Belle page ^^

circé 09/06/2011 16:47:29   
johandark 34

merci ^^

johandark 09/06/2011 17:10:44   
faö 6

là en fait je pense que le problème de traduction vient du fait que Johan à plus de points sur cette page que celle de Salagir, donc c'est pas la bonne qui s'affiche...
edit: du coup, n'oubliez pas de voter pour la trad de Salagir ^^

faö 03/28/2012 18:52:17   
johandark 34

faö сказал:là en fait je pense que le problème de traduction vient du fait que Johan à plus de points sur cette page que celle de Salagir, donc c'est pas la bonne qui s'affiche...
edit: du coup, n'oubliez pas de voter pour la trad de Salagir ^^

merci pour l'avertissement. et a changé ma traduction.

johandark 03/28/2012 19:03:53   
faö 6

johandark сказал: faö сказал:là en fait je pense que le problème de traduction vient du fait que Johan à plus de points sur cette page que celle de Salagir, donc c'est pas la bonne qui s'affiche...
edit: du coup, n'oubliez pas de voter pour la trad de Salagir ^^

merci pour l'avertissement. et a changé ma traduction.

Super, merci Johan ^^

faö 03/29/2012 18:46:09   
Tsuyoi Imo 26

Le père qui va se retrouver dans la mouise malgré lui, alors que le pauvre n'a même pas compris ce que notre ami Jaume...euh Jameson disait...

Tsuyoi Imo 08/26/2012 16:35:28   

a weyyy ahora si se puso fea la cosa :s


LADYD.MASTER 08/31/2011 05:34:42   
johandark 34

sí... ahora he bajado el ritmo de páginas por semana, a la espera del concurso de amilova, el 15 de Octubre, para entonces espero poder colgar 4 páginas por semana.


johandark 08/31/2011 08:06:46   

Estas en el concurso...? si es asi te mando todaaa LA BUENA VIBRA...y mis mejores deseos que ganes...


LADYD.MASTER 09/01/2011 05:03:07   
johandark 34

LADYD.MASTER сказал:Estas en el concurso...? si es asi te mando todaaa LA BUENA VIBRA...y mis mejores deseos que ganes...

Muchas grácias

Por cierto... tengo una pregunta.. estas ultimas 15 páginas últimas... comaparadas con el resto... te han parecido más aburridas? cual de los 4 capítulos te ha gustado más y cual menos?



johandark 09/01/2011 08:07:40   

......sere sincera a mas de mil...hasta ahora ninguna me ha parecido aburrida o mal, desde hace mucho kiero decirte que esta es la historia que mas sigo en amilova:

1.- la historia meparece original
2.- la manera en que manejas las frases anomimas y frases biblicas en cada capitulo son adecuadas para el capitulo
3. el manejo de las sombras en las paginas da ese ambiente de tension, suspenso, miedo...eso atrae mucho
4. diras que toy super tocadisco o sea loca..pero con los personajes en especial akuma y el perver de J voy a llamarlo asi, puedo sentir sus emociones, su forma de ser, sentir...asi soy yo si dilo toy loca..

veamos es todo por ahora....

algo mas que kieras preguntarme?


LADYD.MASTER 09/04/2011 05:37:37   
johandark 34

Nobody is reading the comic in english? xD


johandark 08/31/2011 08:07:43   
heheh 1

johandark сказал:Nobody is reading the comic in english? xD

I am . But it's been nearly 15 pages that nothing is happening...
Your first chapter is excellent because the scenario is mystic and the quality of illustrations is amazing, specially with your mix of characters drawn "traditionnally" and your architectures in 3D.

Chapter 2, we already see the quality going down with you abandonning 3D effects.
But the scenario is still catchy.
Action starts... and there it's difficult to understand why but after Chapter 3 Page 2, quality in illustrations is really going down.
It gives the feeling that, after putting a lot of efforts in making your pages splendid on chapter 1... you started to be bored or wanting to rush like crazy and make more pages, even if it costs you the quality.

Chapter 3 page 5 the action starts to be messy and difficult to understand...
And after that, end of chapter 3 to now... only mystic stuff and story I don't really want to read...

My feeling is that you're getting lost in experimentations .

What is Arkham about exactly ?
Action ? Mysteries ? Humour ? Sexy ?
It seems that you want it to be all that. BUT it can't be equally all that.

Before experimenting and going in all directions, I think you should ask yourself this simple problematic :

"I MUST cacth my reader in 60 pages and make him totally addicted to my comics. How can I do that ?"

First chapter was great for that .2 very interesting characters, humor with Jaume, sexy/mystic and action with Akuma. And great illustrations.

When you'll go back to ALL your basics, your Arkham will become amazing again and THEN you'll have many readers loving you


heheh 08/31/2011 09:27:10   
johandark 34

---I am . But it's been nearly 15 pages that nothing is happening...---
Does that mean that you did not like any page of lieutenant ? mm ... I know they were a bit strange ... but as much as "there was nothing in them" ... These new first 5 pages understand with te priest, i understand they are a bit boring ... But that's because for almost 2 months, I am with the same pages for problems that occurred in amilova, so the comic did not move really much all this time. And now I cannot draw this month. and I reserve a lot of pages for the Amilova contest at October 15. ... I do not like excuses, I think it's cowardly for people who do not accept their mistakes or responsibilities. I also like people who read my comics know that I update my some days in a week specifically and so do not disappoint them.... But summer is fucking me ... and amilova contest...

---Your first chapter is excellent because the scenario is mystic and the quality of illustrations is amazing, specially with your mix of characters drawn "traditionnally" and your architectures in 3D.---

Well... in the first chapter... I had the advantage of the "darkness" and the color, and greys... that gives me more posibilites to play with the light and shadows to make them more interesting. The 3D church was an added that helped me to take a place for the characters... So it was nice... thanks ^^

---Chapter 2, we already see the quality going down with you abandonning 3D effects. ---
MMM.. well that was because.. it was not completely necessary, and i were changing of the backgrounds really often... and it´s not so bad... isn´t it? :S

---But the scenario is still catchy.---

thanks xD
---Action starts... and there it's difficult to understand why but after Chapter 3 Page 2, quality in illustrations is really going down.
It gives the feeling that, after putting a lot of efforts in making your pages splendid on chapter 1... you started to be bored or wanting to rush like crazy and make more pages, even if it costs you the quality. ---
Well that was after going to Comic Festival in France. After meeting Gogeta Jr. Before meeting him I drew a pege every 3 days.... And he told me and showed me... that "he does 3 Pages EVERY DAY" Well... that scared me xD... so .... i can´t do 3 pages every day... but i can do a page every day... but obviously ... draws are not so good...
But I apreciate that you told me that... nobody else told me that xD... and I was starting to feel that nobody matters the draws xDD.

---Chapter 3 page 5 the action starts to be messy and difficult to understand... ---
Yep... it´s possible... the page of the explosion is not finished... in fact.. but i read the comments.. and they like that and I thought.. well don´t touch it xD they like it...

---And after that, end of chapter 3 to now... only mystic stuff and story I don't really want to read...- ---
... arghhh... There you´ve nailed me really deep inside... "Story I don´t really want to read... " xD argh... ok... Probably I made the liutenant story too soon... But i wanted to start explain some important things in the comic... but... important parts probably are a little boring with a good explanation... humm... ok... I´m not a crack in write... xD

---My feeling is that you're getting lost in experimentations .---
mmm .. yeah.. a lot... xD.. if you see dark heroes or lukard you will see different art styles... I didn´t know how to draw in past... that´s why in arkham the first part is completly different from the rest. But.. now i had more ore less the definitive style... black and white, and few greys. Or you were talking about story? :S

---What is Arkham about exactly ?---
---Action ? Mysteries ? Humour ? Sexy ?---
---It seems that you want it to be all that. BUT it can't be equally all that.---

Nice question!! At the beginning at the Arkham... I did not have any idea.. I just wondered wich comics i wanted to honor.. just because i love, like Planetary, X-FIles, Evangelion,... But i was not sure about how it would be continued. I just wanted to do jokes, but been seriusly. Like The mentalist.
Now I know what it is (since 2010) I started this comic in 2007 (the first 10 pages of the first chapter has some years...)

So it´s Humour and Misterys. And some Thriller.

---Before experimenting and going in all directions, I think you should ask yourself this simple problematic :

"I MUST cacth my reader in 60 pages and make him totally addicted to my comics. How can I do that ?"---

Well that was my Idea! jeje... that´s why the first chapter was ended with the liutenant... with the last mistery... to catch the atention for people see the next chapter... (56 pages all first chapter)... But as I can see for your opinion the liutenant part you did not like any little bit xD.

---First chapter was great for that .2 very interesting characters, humor with Jaume, sexy/mystic and action with Akuma. And great illustrations.---

... Humm... Ok...

---When you'll go back to ALL your basics, your Arkham will become amazing again and THEN you'll have many readers loving you ---

Mm... Well I hope... you will like the 5th chapter I will prepare in October D...

Thank you very much for your comment.. it was really nice to see so worked comment and so honestly one. It´s really apreciated.... really. I´m sorry to be late in answer you... but it deserves a more complex answer... so I took my time... I didn´t want to give you simple excuses...

I can give you a lot of excuses but they ´ll become useless. Because readers are not going to read the excuses , they just wan spend some time entertaining... only the material done matters. and by our deeds we are known. So ... it´s very much appreciated the comments that make you fall from the clouds and feet touching the ground ... I wish I could read many more comments like this ... really is what makes an artist grow. Thank you.


johandark 08/31/2011 16:18:39   
ceco1 6

reading +1


ceco1 08/31/2011 09:31:59   
johandark 34

ceco1 сказал:reading +1

I´m happy thanks


johandark 08/31/2011 15:13:06   
johandark 34

1. Grácias! Aunque en realidad, me inspiro de muchas series y peliculas que me gustan... pero estan tan combinadas que el producto es algo diferente y poco reconocible en el fondo ^^

2. Es algo que me cuesta mi tiempo de encontrar... pero me gusta el aire de seriedad que le da. Además estoy preparando un especial par el final de cada capítulo en la que me baso de vampiro la mascarada para hacerlos... el 15 de octubre los colgaré.

3. mmm supongo que aquí te referirás al primera capítulo.. porque en los demás no hay muchas sombras...

4. jejje muchas grácias... halaga mucho oir estas cosas ^^

El comentario te lo dejé porque recibí un comentario en el foro inglés de un usuario que al principio confesó ser fan de este cómic pero que ultimament le está defraudando bastante... si sabes inglés .. podría ser interesante uqe te lo leyeras ^^

htt p://ww

un saludo y muchas grácias . A partir del 15 habrá más paginas por semana xD...


johandark 09/04/2011 11:45:49   

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Автор :

Команда : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Переводчик: : abby19

Original Language: Español

Темп публикации: Понедельник, Среда, Пятница

Тип : манга

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