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3 комментарии
alrickdrinkson 24

сказал:gimp :

(1) a derrogatory term for someone that is disabled or has a medicial problem that results in physical impairment.

(2) An insult implying that someone is incompetent, stupid, etc. Can also be used to imply that the person is uncool or can't/won't do what everyone else is doing.

(3) A sex slave or submissive, usually male, as popularlized by the movie Pulp Fiction.

ho man i thin the 3rd definition is better, ain't it?
looks like even ghost have their own fear ^^

alrickdrinkson 12/30/2012 20:08:15   
Leth.hate 2

Frankly, I never knew that 'gimp' meant definition 1 and 2!

Leth.hate 01/01/2013 06:21:02   
alrickdrinkson 24

i shouldn't have tryed to find a synonyme of this word on the internet --' it's not often that i find something that shock me more than guro < <"
for me gimp was just an image manipulation software >_ <"

alrickdrinkson 01/03/2013 01:49:31   

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