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8 комментарии
TroyB 41

Hey today is a special day > english version of Amilova is released exactly at the same time as the french version!!! Yyaaaaaay!!!

The floor is falling down, AT LAST !
Can an unbalanced Amilova escape Raul's wrath ?

TroyB 12/21/2011 08:20:52   
lauramma 3

holy crap this is tense o.O

lauramma 12/21/2011 13:47:31   
TroyB 41

lauramma сказал:holy crap this is tense o.O

Indeed . Raul had a plan .

TroyB 12/22/2011 08:38:48   
Shada 1

This fight is approaching Goku vs Frieza length. I love it

Shada 12/23/2011 02:25:19   
ZXkai 2

i hope she uses her power again to her clothes burn :P

ZXkai 12/23/2011 07:56:33   
BlazingBarrager 2

That's what she said. lol

BlazingBarrager 12/24/2011 16:07:00   
mcgrnwlf 8

read the flow chart ami

mcgrnwlf 01/01/2012 02:23:41   
~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 5

For some reason this page remind me of that scene from a certain movie.

~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 02/25/2015 10:50:46   

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Amilova: cover




Автор : , ,

Команда : , , , ,

Переводчик: : TroyB

Original Language: Français

Темп публикации: Воскресенье

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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