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19 комментарии
TroyB 41

Arf, surprise !!! :gentleman-pipe:
What is happening to her ?
Why are her original closes back ?
Will she survive it all ?

TroyB 01/27/2012 13:44:33   
Sool 15


Sool 01/27/2012 13:51:42   
Kuenchinu 1

lol how has her old closes come back ? lol

Kuenchinu 01/28/2012 13:01:39   
TroyB 41

Kuenchinu сказал:lol how has her old closes come back ? lol

Héhé that's a mystery that will one day have his answer

TroyB 01/29/2012 18:59:06   
Smiley 8

I think i kinda get remember she usually imagined everything?
Maybe this is just an imagination inside an imagination...

Her breasts still hanging
She is an OLD HOTTIE D:

Smiley 01/28/2012 14:02:17   
ZXkai 2

what a freakin power she has

ZXkai 01/28/2012 15:00:52   

Ok ! I think it must be her father's bracelets doing that to her ! Maybe to control her powers in order not to awaken her darker self !

MALEM 01/28/2012 15:44:46   
TroyB 41

MALEM сказал:Ok ! I think it must be her father's bracelets doing that to her ! Maybe to control her powers in order not to awaken her darker self !

Interesting one .

TroyB 01/28/2012 16:06:09   
felixng2011 1

She looks like she aged 40 years what the heck?!

felixng2011 01/29/2012 06:26:54   
TroyB 41

felixng2011 сказал:She looks like she aged 40 years what the heck?!

Maybe she transformed in her ultimate form > Palpatine Girl

TroyB 01/29/2012 18:58:29   
Magnic 1

I think that her power use as "fuel" all water in her body.

Magnic 01/30/2012 11:51:49   
mcgrnwlf 8

aw man that's harsh
not only is her power gone
now, she also ages 30 years O_o

mcgrnwlf 02/21/2012 04:37:14   
Josh Dufresne 3

wow she needs to see a doctor now, no one needs to age that fast, damn. figures the fire would go out near climax of fight too

Josh Dufresne 11/20/2012 14:24:34   
GuMixx 1

o.m.g. i freaking love it so unpredictable and it still makes sence.
lol the heat is drying her skin :O

GuMixx 01/19/2013 14:10:20   
~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 5


~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 02/25/2015 11:06:04   
gustavowoltmann 1

Awesome I liked the style, action and the make of AMOLIVA . It sounds so cool I am goona follow it to see more out of it. If you have more idea about where I can read this complete manga so please let me know. Well i am also working on manga but Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members! this service is writing for me. I only have to give them my plot and they add every paperwork in it. I will soon release it because right now it is under prep. Just like you my manga will be sky rocketed!

gustavowoltmann 10/18/2021 12:09:40   
Jameswalker 1

Who knew managing characters in a comic could feel so much like trying to keep my own little chaos squad in check? Definitely grateful for the laughs and relatable moments!

Jameswalker 12/26/2024 03:32:48   
louiselora 1

Happy New Year to all! And as always the works are interesting. Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members!

louiselora 12/27/2024 04:13:57   
femestmagazine 1


femestmagazine 01/10/2025 06:37:44   

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Автор : , ,

Команда : , , , ,

Переводчик: : TroyB

Original Language: Français

Темп публикации: Воскресенье

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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