So, er... it's the goddess Babybel, right?
The goddess Babel!
"I stand for justice. I stand for love. I shall punish wrogness."
Yeah, leave the dragons to the professionals, sissy.
Um, so, great Goddess of Babelle, my ignorance calls to you, er, make sense, um, to what these people here er... say?
Tuuut... there is no one corresponding to your call in this magical realm...
You used the solar realm, Babel is in the water realm, it's a fish-goddess!
Hrun the Barbarian, 7 feet tall, record of the tallest knight.
He'll just knock himself while coming through doors...
And don't say random things, or else there will be repercussions!
Ow, calm,hey...
Hey? A translating fish? Nonsense...
Er, little fishes... little translation fish,come to my hook... transform what they say...
Darnstone! Lance you're on a double page spread!