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-Another gift! The twins as super heroines! Surprise from Melinda Watts. Thanks!
-¡Otro regalo! ¡Las gemelas como super heroínas! Sorpresa de Melinda Watts. ¡Gracias!
Twins Super Heroines
This is a present for Gual-Kun and Chano-Kun its there 2 characters from doodling around. Background taken from google image search, not actually mine.
Shinanime Festival, Centro Cultural Comfandi, Santiago de Cali, Colombia
От Doodling Around - Original post
-Update, aspromised!
-¡Nueva página, como prometimos!
Dear Adriana, not everybody is as slow as Angie… Sorry, Angie, you’re a nice girl but not a good fighter ^ ^’…In other news… Oh, boy…!
-Page delayed
-Página retrasada
Yup, page is delayed today. We’re at Shinanime event until tomorrow, so page will be up for Thursday. Sorry for the delay. Having a nice time here in Cali, by the way Here, have some photos!