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presentation of fan 2 Yaoi

Je suis une super fan de Yaoi, et sur cette page je vous partage les meilleurs DA et Tumblr de Yaoi que j'ai trouvé ! Peace & Yaoiiiii ♪ ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ !!! Attention je ne suis pas la dessinatrice, je ne fais que partager !

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fan 2 Yaoi's blog

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pages 10 - 17

Banana Jam Deeper (uncensored and english) by Black Monkey Pro

От yummy-yaoi - Original post



Studying in the library

От yummy-yaoi - Original post


I have made a person blog, if you would like to follow you are very welcome to. It’s a bit bare at the moment, but I will tinker around with. Again this is just a personal blog, no porn (i think?) just things I like.  -> cloudbubbles1

От yummy-yaoi - Original post


Anonymous :
So um you... wouldn't date a guy younger than you...? OH AND um this is kind of embarrassing to ask but... any tips on... you know... opening the wardrobe... the.... yeah...?


I wouldn’t mind anyone younger than me to be in a relationship with, just not more than a year.

I presuming you mean coming out the closet? All situations are different, I can’t really advise you with out more detail. If you trust me send me a message that isn’t anon so I can reply privately to you. We can have more privacy about it :)

От yummy-yaoi - Original post


Anonymous :
Are you always the one who gets fucked or do you also like it otherwise?


It depends on what mood I’m in

От yummy-yaoi - Original post



Sean Cody- Joshua and Brandon Bareback.

Brandon is HOT AS FUCK. 

От yummy-yaoi - Original post


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