I will be wear them with proud!xD Unfortuatelly photo of my old poor camera didn't show even 1/10 their real awesomeness, but you must believe me, they're dope ass! xDD Well, maybe Oga look bit worse, because I was draw his as first and I was little excited and I didin't waiting long enought to paint to dry... xp Real size 4,5 cm width; acrylic paints on wood.
Jak ktoś chce zamówić kolczyki pisać notki! Cena materiałów to ok.30zł (15zł to srebrne zapinki, mogę zamienić na inne), cena za robociznę, zależna od skomplikowania rysunku, do dogadania^^
Tree images (conected in one here) commission for , her awesome OCs, from left to right: Sebastian, Tulvarish and Eden. Thank you dear, for commissioning me!
(I will add from where I get frames brushes, when I'll find it...)
SHWAH! SWISH! WHUMP! Page 3 is done, cocksuckers! (onomatopoeias are fun!talking like solider is fun too!)xDD
I don't write journlas, so I wrote it there... a lot new things!! New flat, new roommates, 2 new studies (well, one of them is 1 year 'studium', but still...) and I get a headcold (My nose will explode soon!! like nose of Rene from Allo'Allo', when he pretende the French general and he had big nose made of explosive plastic... xD) (tak, mój Rene dostał imię po głównym bohaterze najzajebistszego serialu na świecie)
btw, I still listening Sexion D'Assaut, it's awesome! [link] [link] [link]