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Spanking improv:

  • A chopstick for the slightly faded skinny red marks on my thighs and butt. Thanks, Japanese food.
  • Appx 1/4” thick 2” wide piece of oak that was a few feet long - kind of like a yardstick but wider, thinner, and shorter. A bit springier than a yardstick though. If you look closely on the second picture there is a very faded pink stripe across my cheeks. :) It was from a bit earlier and was over panties and my dress so it didn’t mark so much.
  • A drumstick… 
  • A good old fashioned open palm, especially noticeable in photo #2. 

Gorgeous girl, gorgeous marks. Fun day.

От eusempretivecriatividade - Original post


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Publishing a volume of verse is like dropping a rose petal down theGrand Canyon and waiting for the echo.[codehappy]

От eusempretivecriatividade - Original post


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