I finally got courage to write this....
Well,my relationship really over a few days. At beggin i really thinked that we could still be friends and i was doing everything to stay near of him in anyway. But the things get complicated after i discovered a lie..A lie that changed all. I have fucking problems with trusting and he always knew that but even then he lied :/ so i took all courage i had to put an end to all. This ended of a terrible way that made me cry a lot and feel me lost. I also wanted to delete all the things about him of my posts but i thought that we had good moment even if I do not know whether they were true or not. The only thing i know is that anyway he made part of my life and it was very cool and happy for a moment. So is that..
Now i’m trying to carry on and don’t cry anymore
От eusempretivecriatividade - Original post 27Dec2013