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— Videogame Heroines ABC Round 2 —

Raj is the player (the avatar of the actual player) of “Greater than Life”, as revealed in the mid-game twist.

Presenting itself as a single-player arena shooter with advanced IA, the game has actually a strong narrative background and focus. The player starts the game by creating his avatar in the shooter component and starts playing matches against increasingly tough foes, choosing each time how to finish his adversaries, strongly evoking gladiator fights.
How he dispatches his opponents is recorded and eventually presented to him as part of a “replay show”, as it is revealed he is actually playing as Raj, a contestant of the meta “Greater than Life” game.

GTL, in the narrative context, is actually a violent battle-royale where the (not always willing) players are pitted against each other, and their virtual cruelty used as a rite of passage, a means to select who can access “adulthood”.

The player can actually be merciful in each of his encounters and choose not to finish off his opponents, as the game sought to be a commentary of violence in media. Unfortunately, many did not see beyond the apparent facade of virtual brutality the game set up, and has since been the subjet of many debates.

**Please note : this character and game are actually fictional :-) **

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