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—(Fictional) Videogame Heroines ABC, the end (…for now)—

It’s now complete, and here are the 26 heroines from this Fictional Videogames Heroines ABC reunited! I do hope you enjoyed the different designs and pitches, which are just a tiny fragment of the scope of what’s possible - in the end, what matters is that we need more diversity in our videogame protagonists, and that starts with giving our female heroes more exposure :-)

If you like this series, want to support this or future endeavors, have a money surplus you don’t quite know what to do, you can find it available as a print, framed print or other several supports here :

(As an added bonus, until April 14th,  shipping costs are free if you use this link here : !)

Thank you all!

От pehesse - Original post


— Videogame Heroines ABC Round 2 —

In the point and click adventure “Throes of Madness”, Zena is actually the main villain bent on summoning the ancien creature that would bring about ruin to the world. And yet she’s the one you play as, in this surprise twist of classic adventure game tropes. From the first steps of discovery of the creature’s existence and purpose, to designing the plan to awaken it and (hopefully) control its power, to laying traps and preventing annoying goody two-shoes adventurers trying to stop you…
This time, you get to see the perspective of the ones that are always one step ahead, and decide on what their motivations are. Do you lust for ultimate power for you to master? Is is a nihilistic wish? Are you actually trying to bring about the end of the world to allow for a collective awakening and possibly a rebirth from the ashes?

**Please note : this character and game are actually fictional :-)**

От pehesse - Original post


— Videogame Heroines ABC Round 2 —

Yalda is one of two avatars in “Moonlit Stories”, the erotic coop music game based on the Arabian Nights stories.

Using these stories as narrative frames, the players are presented with a succession of challenges where one will need to dance and the other play an instrument along. The narrator’s commentary of each story varies depending on the player’s performance.

There is no explicit imagery in the game, but the undertones of the selected original stories coupled with the synching required to perform well made this experience recognized as one truly sensible sensual, romantic work.

**Please note : this character and game are actually fictional :-)**

От pehesse - Original post


— Videogame Heroines ABC Round 2 —

Originally designed as a spin-off from a current popular franchise, “In the Dark” turned into its own as the development settled on a supernatural direction, with Xiao Bo as the story’s lead.

The game is a stealth adventure, with a lesser focus on traversal and more on social blending. The environment is a blend of the real world and the supernatural, since Xiao Bo, being a half ghost, is attuned to the spiritual world, and can sense other departed spirits. This particularity
of Xiao Bo allows the story to span hundred of years - we travel across several countries and see the ramifications of the operations she undertakes.

Using her signature scythe, Xiao Bo can perform the political assassinations she is tasked with as well as manipulate her environment, threaten non-critical targets and defeat the hostile ghosts in her way.

**Please note : this character and game are actually fictional :-)**

От pehesse - Original post


— Videogame Heroines ABC Round 2 —

Wynx is the player avatar in the highly stylized “dance’em all”, the 2D rhythm beat’em all.

The game aims to offer a fighting experience based on music, where playing along to the beat will increase damage output, prolong combos and overall make the avatar stronger. The environments themselves respond to the beat - the more in synch the player gets, the more animated the background become, with the sharp silhouettes of the avatars standing out against the growing madness of the colors.
The fighting style themselves are a mix between aggressive moves and dancing routines, and the best players can try to maximize their score by adding choreography to their movements in between enemy waves.

**Please note : this character and game are actually fictional :-)**

От pehesse - Original post


— Videogame Heroines ABC Round 2 —

Vea is the main character from “The Farthest Reaches”, a space-opera RPG focusing on diplomatic resolution of situations - for it just so happens that Vea is a diplomat.
The game doesn’t feature any kind of combat and instead uses exploration and dialogue to propose situations and offer choices to the player.
The dialogue system is linked to the “persona” mechanic, where each answer defines the dominant personality of the protagonist, affecting available choices and contextual actions, automatic dialogs and even visual stances and movement style. The player can choose to embrace a personality type and get access to the full range of abilities it offers, at the cost of those of other types, or stay neutral and access all forms
of abilities, albeit at a more basic level.

With an overarching tale based on the rise of a new, belligerant species in the galaxy, the game offers playthrough customization and role playing through regular choices with no definite moral answers, the
available choices themselves depending on how the player “roleplayed”.
The player is tasked to make his stand known in the growing imbalance, and his personal views will echo through the universe - whether those amount to forcing “peace” upon the newcomers, finding compromise,
embracing a chaotic rise of violence and possibly overthrowing the existing balance for his own gain (or of those of his choosing), or simply walk away and let the other actors settle the situation by themselves.

**Please note : this character and game are actually fictional :-)**

От pehesse - Original post


— Videogame Heroines ABC Round 2 —

Ufay is the protagonist of “Colowitch”, the arcade flying game for mobile phones and portable systems, using the gyroscope as its main motion controller.
There isn’t much in the way of plot : the game is mostly an excuse to fly around in crazy and whimsical environments. As such, Ufay is mainly an avatar - but a colorful one, at that.

The main system is a time attack flying mechanic, where the end level sign must be reached by flying through several color coded rings in sequence (sometimes requiring some back and forth to get the correct
sequence), before the environment loses all color. It has been rumoured that additional DLC would add the possibility to “paint” the environment by letting the player fly in a more freeform arena, but the overall poor sales and reception make this prospect a distant, faded one.

**Please note : this character and game are actually fictional :-)**

От pehesse - Original post


— Videogame Heroines ABC Round 2 —

Mix romance and investigation, and you get the cyberpunk adventure “Undercity East”, starring Truth as its main character and player avatar.

A story of murder, mystery and intrigue, the game’s identity comes from its mix with dating sim elements.
The player has to investigate regular and dynamic killing occurrences (a different murderer and specific members of the cast can be dispatched according to a complex timetable that is generated each time a new game is started) using clues and hints in conversations, and can acquire new powers and investigative tools through body-mods - but he has to keep in mind that all of these can affect his “private” (or is it?) life, and possible romantic relationships. Investigating potential love interest may lead to conflict (with them, or your bosses if you decide to withold evidence to cover your friends), and heavy body-modding may affect
how people react to you as well. The game’s conclusion, as such, is very open ended.

**Please note : this character and game are actually fictional :-)**

От pehesse - Original post


— Videogame Heroines ABC Round 2 —

Shawnee is the shaman, and ultimately guide of the tribe you lead in “Way of the Land”, an edutainment independant game.

The game is about the journey of the tribe as Shawnee begins to experience prophetic visions. Acting upon these visions, the tribe eventually decides to move and escape the growing influence of western “civilization”.Along the way, you’ll encounter many virtual dioramas representing historical facts or events, and choose how to react to each of them. As you journey further, the visions slowly disappear, and you’re left with the choice of how to lead the tribe, and where.

A slow experience, with limited graphical representation (aiming for powerful evocation rather than literal representation, with a heavy use of shadows and back-lighted scenes on a 2D plane), but rich choice in actions and consequences, the game is about responsibility in the face of your decisions and own shortcomings, and a vision of an era and its different actors.

**Please note : this character and game are actually fictional :-)**

От pehesse - Original post


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