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Advertising on

Why advertise on our website?

Amilova is an innovative digital publishing platform offering online reading and video game, but also physical and digital distribution. By associating your brand or product with Amilova, you will be able to reach a wide international audience with a great interest in manga, anime and video games.

Some Numbers

In 2012, boasts:
  • More than [Counts.members] members and a constant growth of our international community
  • Comics and website translated in 10 languages, and more are still to come
  • Over 5 million pageviews per month

Every day, it's more than 10 000 unique visitors who are enjoying our service and 70% of them are french speaking. It's more than 17 pages view by day and by visitors, skyrocketing with more than 5 millions page view by month.

Advertising on is therefore an excellent opportunity for access to high quality, localized traffic.

Online Advertising: Banners and Background ads

Currently, we focus on CPM campaigns and we usually offer advertising space for a week or a month. Nevertheless, we are most flexible and responsive to the particular needs of each individual advertiser, and we are willing to consider customised campaigns.

Banners (yellow space below):
Banner sizes: 720x90px on the top and 180x150px on the sidebar for all reading pages.

Background advertisements (green space below):
You could opt for background advertisements, which would considerably improve the impact of your online marketing campaign.

Available advertising space on

Click here to show full size image

For detailed information about banners, background ads, product placement, etc. please feel free to contact us.

Online Newsletter Advertising

With a community of over [Counts.members] members, can also offer you a place for your advertisement in our bi-monthly newsletter. We could as well dedicate one of our newsletter to your campaign, if the theme is compatible with the expectations of our readers.

Newsletters: examples

Event Sponsoring

The Amilova team regularly participates in comics, manga and video game conventions where we present our project, the artists involved and their series. By becoming our partner on conventions you get a chance to promote your products and gain more visibility.

Conventions we have attended:

  • Festiblog (2012 - Paris - France)
  • Aniventure (2012 - Sofia - Bulgaria)
  • Japan Expo (2012 - Paris - France)
  • Japan Expo Sud (2012 - Marseille - France)
  • Japan Expo (2011 - Paris - France)
  • Japan Expo Centre (2011 - Orléans - France)
  • On Fest (2011 - Sofia - Bulgaria)
  • Salon du Livre de Sofia (2011 - Sofia - Bulgaria)
  • Japan Expo Sud (2012 - Marseille - France)
Our stand at Japan Expo Paris 2011

Print Advertising: Make your presence in our published material!

Our publications are constantly growing and we print on average two new volumes each month. Would you like to include your ad inside one of our printed editions?

Don't hesitate to contact us for more information:

Advertising Costs and Prices

Your online marketing campaign could include one specific element (one banner size, newsletter, background ad), but we offer discounts in cases such as several selected areas for the banners or if the rental period exceeds two months.

For more details regarding our offers and prices please contact us at the following address (make sure to note the type of campaign you require):

Questions or Concerns: Contact us

If you have more specific questions, e.g. about product placement in our publications, about the use of our licensed properties, or any other applications not covered here, feel free to contact us directly:


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