Already 132659 members and 1407 comics & mangas!.
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Useful Tips for a better use of Amilova offers many features, all created in order to increase usability and make your experience enjoyable.

a presentation of the main features:

1 - favorites:

1.1 - Add to favorites

Example of favorites:

1.2 - Find your favorites:

easily find your favorites on the homepage, use the filters at your disposal! That way, you have immediate access and visual updates of your favorites.

1.3 - Delete a favorite:

you no longer love a comic and you want to stop following it? It's simple, go to any page of the comic in question and click on "Favorites". There you unchecked the box "In favorites ". The icon is again white, the comics has been removed from your favorites.

2 - Navigation tips: has plenty of options to ease the reader's life. Here are the most important ones that you must not miss!

2.1 - Read in Full Screen

2.2 - Change page using the mouse, keyboard or by navigated with thumbnails

3 - Automatic record of the progression of reading:

3.1 - Automatic Backup and Recovery

Your reading progress is automatically saved like that, you always return to the last page read. You do not have to do anything special to take advantage of this option, when you click to read a comic you started, you resume your reading

3.2 - Delete progression

If you navigated by error in a comic and you'd wish to erase your progress, it is possible! To do so, simply go to the information page of the comic and click on the link "Reset your progress."

If you want to know more about the possibilities of navigation and configuration of your reading, we invite you to ask your questions on the forum!

Again thank you for the interest you doors and artists in our community.


Advice to easily follow your favorite authors on Amilova

In order to allow you to follow the news of your authors and the site, we have created several monitoring tools.

A presentation of the main features:

1 - Subscribe to a profile:

You can easily subscribe to an author or member's news, simply click on the "Follow" link on the profile page of each member.

stay up to date of the major innovations of by subscribing TroyB's profile , the site administrator. Like that, you will receive a notification for every major new

1.1 - Receive notifications from the site

When something interesting is happening, you will receive an alert directly on A new page of your favorite comics? An article from a blog by an author that you follow? A private message? You keep quick access to all the news on this page

1.2 - Receive email notifications

whenever you subscribe, either a BD or a writer, you have the opportunity to receive an email alert. But be careful not to get too much email!

If you're overwhelmed, you can quickly unsubscribe with the link in the email you've received. Every link will unsubscribed you from the notification that you just got. A good way to unsubscribe in each case.

If you want to know all your alert subscriptions, you just have to go to the page of the notifications and click on "Notifications options".

2 - Create a network of friends

With thousands of members, you'll probably find friends on Amilova! Here are some tips for you to help.

2.1 - Send and accept friendship invitations

making friends is easy, just send a friend request. Go to the profile of your future e-friend and click on the little arrow next to the button " Follow"

2.2 - View other friends

who is friends with whom ? You just have go to the profile of the person in question and look in the left sidebar titled " Friends "


Spread the word and earn a premium membership!

To ensure the survival of Amilova, we need more and more members and visitors.

Help us to spread the word about and earn Golds

As a godfather, you will earn 25% of all purchases of your referrals! Payouts for life

All sponsorship tools and information are available on this page: click to view sponsorship tools

You can find all our tools on this page to share your comics and make known Amilova. Your username is automatically added to the tools, you just copy / paste your links on Facebook, Twitter, blog or favorite forum and you'll have the referrals!


Support the artists by subscribing a Premium membership! is not only a mere platform, it is also a paper and digital publishing company.
Our mission is to make our artists known and to support them in order to live from their art.

We are proud to discover and publish great artists on, but we go further by placing the artists and their work at the center of our approach. We fairly share with them all income made on

60% of sales of premium subscriptions are directly redistributed to artists in the Premium Collection

But that's not all. The artists receive a percentage of each sale related to their work, whether on physical books, digital books, or derivatives.

Supports artists bysubscribing a Premium Membership, or buying our books


How to read your eBook ?

eBooks available on our store are directly uploaded by the author. We're not checking each PDF so if you've any trouble with your eBook, please contact directly the author. You'll find here few information related to the eBook, where to download them and how to read them.

Our eBooks are DRM Free. You can download and read them on as many devices as you want : computer, mobile, tablet, eReader...

Visit Amilova eBook Store

If you want to transfer a file on your device, the best way is to log in on your Amilova's profile and to donwload it. You can also use cloud service as Dropbox or Google Drive in order to have your Ebooks available on all your devices.

1 - Download your eBook:

All your eBooks are centralized in your Personnal Collection page, go on your Amilova's profile (or click here). Before reading your eBooks, you must download it. For that, just click on the icon "Download".

Visit Amilova eBook Store

2 - Read your eBook on a computer:

As Windows user, you can use Acrobat Reader or Foxit : (PDF readers list on Wikipedia).

As Linux or Mac Os X user, you have pre-installed software which are pretty good for PDF reading. Chrome and Firefox browser have also built-in PDF reader but be careful, as our eBook are quite big (around 40mo), browsers can have problem to read it, and could slow down your computer.

3 - Read your eBooks on Iphone / Ipad:

It's the easiest way ! You can use directly iBooks application on your devise. After downloading your file with your device, the eBook will be automatically added to iBooks and you'll just have to click on its cover to open it.

4 - Read your eBooks on Android system:

On Android system, it's the same, you've a pre-installed PDF reader. But if you prefer, you can download any PDF reader from the Google Play store.


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