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#1 25 Sep, 2011 01:06:24


Dunno if this is okay with the admins and moderators of the forum, but i just wanna put some fun here tongue So the point of the topic is to show us how your working place looks like, your desk with all the fun things around your computer, or even your room 'n stuff~ if your desk is not very interesting and you spent most of your time infront of the computer, just show us your desktop big_smile so we can see part of your everyday life tongue


So here is my desktop, and these days imma take some pictures of my desk in the dorm and share it smile looking forward to your pictures smile … desk-1.jpg


#2 26 Sep, 2011 09:06:51


That's interesting Toh smile. You made me realize that I'm no longer going to my desktop smile.
99% of my actions are done through browsers navigation and alt-tab.

So nowadays my bacground are Amilova's backgrounds, google, facebook,Gimp, skype... smile.

But your desktop is really classy, and neatly arranged, that's very interesting smile.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#3 13 Oct, 2011 02:19:20


Hey nice smile Mine is kind of classic.


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#4 13 Oct, 2011 20:19:08


I'm always keeping it simple with the icons, never with the pic:


Last edited by Mart (13 Oct, 2011 20:19:44)

#5 05 Jan, 2012 07:29:25


At this moment i don't have desk because i am renovating my apartment but i can shere my desktop. just for the fun of it


Last edited by sunpath (05 Jan, 2012 07:31:05)

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