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#1 18 Oct, 2011 09:51:27


Hi, I'm I. Dias, the author of the manga Orium Caspium.
I'm desperately need for a translator (or translators) for the following languages:
- Spanish;
- Japanese;
- French;
and any other language.

The default manga language is Portuguese, but I'm translating to English, the English text will be available in the translator.

I'm asking this because I don't have the language level for those translations.

A los españoles, no tengo los signos de puntuación necesarios para las entradas de exclamación y questión, así que lo que he logrado traducir tiene errores de que me averguenzo...

Only a few pages of the manga were released (the published pages are old and the story is still presenting the main character and the changing of his course of life), but I'm already drawing the second chapter, the most long and intense of the 3 that will be published here. There will be a dragon, magic and battles, so I need a little more time to do so.

Thanks for the feedback!

#2 18 Oct, 2011 16:43:39


If you put your comics with "for translation version" > meaning if you upload a version with no text and html balloons > I'll make sure you are translated in french wink.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

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