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#1 19 Oct, 2011 07:54:24


(Standing precariously right after the topic on fan-service), here comes an illustration about the greatest fight ever between two of the strongest heroines around - or at least that's what those overabundant superlatives would have you believe !



(click to view the pictures, and everything in them, in full size).

Who will win this titanic duel ? The answer is up to your imagination :-) Or actually, if you'd like to see more of these illustrations, you can manifest yourself here ! We could, for instance, depict a following situation with a specific winner ? Or maybe draw a new crossover with Kinkgirl fighting another one of Amilova's renowned heroines ?
Share what you'd like to see, if you like what you see, and something good may yet come of it :-D

Ultima edición por Pehesse (19 Oct, 2011 07:54:49)

Amateurs de comics, superhéros, érotisme et mystère : lisez Imperfect et ses coulisses
Friands de robots, noir et blanc, intrigue et cynisme : découvrez Ashell ! Plein d'infos ici.

#2 09 Nov, 2012 22:48:39


I would want Amilova to win

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