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We're currently finalizing Amilova Book 3 !
Nous sommes en train de travailler à fond à la finalisation du tome 3 d'Amilova !
At the end of Amilova book 2 we had fanarts done by artists from the community, and everyone liked it ! … n-art.html
For Book 3, we're doing it again, with a little competition around it .
Draw whatever you want from the Amilova Universe... in your own style !
When the picture is ready, post it here on this topic !
Fanarts we like will be put online on the gallery … n-art.html, and we will choose 10 to 20 fanarts that will be published as bonus at the end of book 3 !!
Start : yesterday
End : 20th of may
Forbidden : pornography, gore violence, and anything that would degrade the image of Amilova characters and univers.
Allowed : anything that fits the universe, soft violence and erotisme, hilarious jokes, cross-overs with your own characters. You can propose as many fanarts as you want, you can use traditionnal drawins, colors, black-white, digital... up to you .
Authors that will have their fanarts selected will receive a signed copy of Amilova Book 3 ! This book will be in french, but the copy will be sent where you are in the world .
Every artist participating will have his name in the greetings at the end of the Book !
Don't hesitate to ask questions !
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OOOH YEAH That's hyper cool thanks Mart !!!
♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé .
A.C. Puig, , Guildadventures > very very cool .
♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé .
Sorry for the late update .
The winners are :
A.C Puig, Agenory, Chibidam'z, Guildadventures, Koragg/WOlfie, Mangakahanna, Masaya Fujiwara X2, Mart, Mat972, Nynadp, Sieg, Strawberry !
So all the one participating to the english speaking side won, congrats guys .
Have a look on the french board to see more fanarts :
Fanarts will be integrated in between chapters !!!
♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé .
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