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#1 07 Sep, 2012 07:25:19


The new version is coming ! Little by little, you will see it coming online !

The big ideas of the new version :
* for readers > the site will be better, faster, display bigger pages (800px wide instead of 650px), all bug fixed, full screen reader for free, less adverts, more ergonomy in navigation, new system for suggesting readers new comics to read !
* for premium member > access to more premium pages for the same price wink.
* for authors > lots of improvement in the tools and admin system. And most important : being part of the collective won't be the only way of getting money when publishing your comic. We will create the "premium collection" in which more artists can participate. Most of the revenues from premium memberships will be shared between authors. Oh and there's also a system coming that will enable authors to create and sell their own Ebooks, at the price they want, and get most of the revenues on each sale.

If you're an author and you want to know more about "how to get revenues with my comic on Amilova" please send me a message wink.

Some previews now :

Homepage : new header, new navigation, new ranking, new footer :

Reader page > on this preview the header is wrong and the right column is missing, but your get the idea wink.

These are just previews... small parts of what it's really gonna be... the real thing is coming soon smile.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#2 19 Sep, 2012 06:18:49


September, the best time of the year! It's still summer for a few days, the weather is still nice...

But everyone is back from vacation and after two slow months everything accelerates suddenly, all rushed into a maelstrom of energy! Energy that implies "OK, it's still summer, but soon it'll be winter, so hurry up and live it up!"

All that to say that the Amilova Team has not been sitting around all summer, and everything will accelerate in the coming weeks!

You will soon see huge improvements of !

* New and ergonomic design !
* New page reader, with higher quality
* An affiliation system for readers
* Authors will be able to make money by selling Ebooks and participate to our revenue sharing program


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#3 04 Oct, 2012 16:00:47


I see there are new features with thumbnails on the homepage... it looks totally awesome, what a good surprise !!!

GG guys, continue like that !

#4 04 Oct, 2012 16:16:43

McLeod escribió:

I see there are new features with thumbnails on the homepage... it looks totally awesome, what a good surprise !!!

GG guys, continue like that !

Glad you like it, we worked hyper hard on it smile !!!


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#5 06 Oct, 2012 22:15:31


it sure looks better now, it changes page so fast i dont see the background image XD

#6 09 Oct, 2012 14:44:38

Guildadventure escribió:

it changes page so fast i dont see the background image XD

Lol so true smile. Well done guys this new version is a real improvement !

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