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#1 23 Dec, 2013 11:53:02

Reon Merryweather

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, or good night, whatever the case may be.

I'm Reon Merryweather, a writer from the Kingdom of Denmark. That's a small constitutional monarchy north of Germany, known for its viking heritage.

I like writing bizarre and surreal manga, but I do love my fair share of fantasy as well. If anything defines my style, it would be bizarre dialogue, and social commentary, along with obscure refferences.

I work together with a fair amount of different artists, and I'm published in the Danish magazine 'Comic Party', where most of my writings make entré. I'm still looking for a foreign publisher, which is why I upload all of my manga, by permission of Alpha Entertainment, my usual publisher, in order to somehow attract attention.

I like rain, Doctor Pepper, and am a huge fan of TV shows, movies, animated films, novels, and manga.

I hope to have a good relation with all of you. You can check out my two manga, that I just uploaded. Would love to hear what you think.

#2 27 Dec, 2014 16:49:21


Hey thanks for the introduction and welcome wink.
I've left several comments on your last comic "soul gain" wink

♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

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