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#1 06 Aug, 2011 10:24:53


Hello every one !

I'm furo,

writer of run8 and I wanted to report that I create a english version of my work with
a clean wrinting available right now on amilova!

Of course my english is perfectible so, if you find some mistakes, please tell me.

I will be happy to read your comments on my work.

See you!

Venez suivre l'actualité de Run 8 sur notre blog :http://studio-takoyaki.id.st
Et soutenez nous sur notre page facebook
Plonge dans une œuvre de pure Dark fantasy en lisant Run 8

#2 08 Aug, 2011 06:17:41



#3 22 Sep, 2011 08:29:01


Mimi(the illustrator):

I wanted to say that the first chapter will be uploaded during the weekend.

Then, in order to give the entirety of the comic, the second chapter will be uploaded from monday (26/09) to saturday (02/10).

Chapter 3 will be uploaded from monday (03/10) to sunday (09/10).

Finally, the rest of the pages will be uploaded 3 time a week (1 page on monday, 1 page on wensday, and 1 page on saturday).

This way, English people would be able to read the whole comic like french members.

We hope this way, english membrs will enjoy Run8!
We do our best to reach this goal


Ultima edición por studio.takoyaki (23 Sep, 2011 15:43:26)

Venez suivre l'actualité de Run 8 sur notre blog :http://studio-takoyaki.id.st
Et soutenez nous sur notre page facebook
Plonge dans une œuvre de pure Dark fantasy en lisant Run 8

#4 22 Sep, 2011 16:41:58

studio.takoyaki escribió:

Mimi(the drawer):

I wanted to say that the first chapter will be uploaded during the weekend.

Then, in order to give the entirety of the comic, the second chapter will be uploaded from monday (26/09) to saturday (02/10).

Chapter 3 will be uploaded from monday (03/10) to sunday (09/10).

Finally, the rest of the pages will be uploaded 3 time a week (1 page on monday, 1 page on wensday, and 1 page on saturday).

This way, English people would be able to read the whole comic like french members.

We hope this way, english membrs will enjoy Run8!
We do our best to reach this goal


That's super great news !!!

Hope you'll have the success you deserve > a great success smile !!!


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#5 26 Sep, 2011 13:10:16



8 new pages have been uploaded in English:
a new character appears.
And for you men, a sexy scene

link of the pages here:
[html]http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/ … ge-13.html[html]

Enjoy  smile

Ultima edición por studio.takoyaki (26 Sep, 2011 13:11:52)

Venez suivre l'actualité de Run 8 sur notre blog :http://studio-takoyaki.id.st
Et soutenez nous sur notre page facebook
Plonge dans une œuvre de pure Dark fantasy en lisant Run 8

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