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#1 03 Oct, 2011 22:06:49



Five strangers lost in a mysterious land,




yet also terrifying.


Amongst them lurks a wolf.


But their worst foe may not be him...


Plot :
A man who has reached a breaking point decides to remain on the train, instead of getting off at his usual stop. He lets the vehicule carry him away from the monotony that suffocates him. But the train suddenly stops and disappears into a mysterious fog. He meets five travellers, also stranded in this changing land. Tensions arise between them all and explode at night fall, when nature suddenly turns to hell...

Themes and Intentions :
The title refers to traces that either destroy or define ourselves: (scars, stains, tatoos, education, prejudices) but also those we leave on nature and on one another. Nothing can erase the footprints we have left on the road of life, and we are determined by those traces of our past, but we can still decide where to walk next.

Ultima edición por Esteryn (12 Oct, 2011 14:08:50)

--- Vous aimez le mystère ? Vous apprécierez peut-être la BD Traces. ---
°°° Ou les contes "à la Fontaine" ? Essayez celui de La Grenouille. °°°

#2 04 Oct, 2011 06:39:49


Sweeet ! Your illustrations are splendid !!!

#3 04 Oct, 2011 22:27:22


Thank you Sool smile

post edited - added one illustration, at least 2 more to go, maybe 4 if I have time before the 12th ! Then I reveal the pitch and themes of the comics and more pages.

--- Vous aimez le mystère ? Vous apprécierez peut-être la BD Traces. ---
°°° Ou les contes "à la Fontaine" ? Essayez celui de La Grenouille. °°°

#4 10 Oct, 2011 16:02:13


your illustrations are made with a dark soul, but not bad jeje.  he first illustration offaces is the best one wink.

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#5 12 Oct, 2011 14:10:29


@ Johan : Thanks smile


1. Added the 4 pages of illustrations in Chapter 1, and 2 pages of comics in Chapter 2 (3 more comics pages coming soon for the 15th)

2. Chapter 0 was deleted and replaced by Chapter 1 (having a 0 chapter generated bugs : sometimes it didn't show up)

3. Color version now accessible to everyone.

4. Added a sketch version of the pages for the premium (a nice idea from Byabya for a little extra for the premiums, now that color is for everyone)

5. Added the final pitch illustrations, plot summary and themes in the first post of this page.

PS. Everything should now be working fine and all up to dates in all versions, thanks to the efficiency of the site's staff, who gave me expert access the very evening smile

--- Vous aimez le mystère ? Vous apprécierez peut-être la BD Traces. ---
°°° Ou les contes "à la Fontaine" ? Essayez celui de La Grenouille. °°°

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