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#1 20 Oct, 2011 03:02:29


hello everybody

after some suggestions and personnal reflexions, I decided to change some details at page 10 of Haven, my manga on amilova. This modifications are in the following spoiler


I'll probably make some other modifications when I'll have enough time for wink

see the full page:
spoilerhttp://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/ … ge-10.html

read the comics:
http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/ … age-1.html

I hope this kind of actions will turn the comics easier and more plaisant to read and increase the global quality level smile

If there's any error or mistake in this post, PLEASE tell me (I'm french and i'm trying to improve my english level by don't using any translator so need some help sometime ^^)

see you soon on amilova wink

Valdé, auteur, gaulois, mangeur de nutella♥ et tueur de moustiques smile

#2 20 Oct, 2011 20:51:49

valdé escribió:

If there's any error or mistake in this post, PLEASE tell me (I'm french and i'm trying to improve my english level by don't using any translator so need some help sometime ^^)

Improving english and drawing skills... this competition sounds very positive for you smile.

Thanks for the precious infos on your comic, it's always nice to read wink.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

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