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#1 28 Oct, 2011 02:52:12

Ikki San Gaspar

Hello readers and fellow artists! I'm Ikki (not real name).
I'm from Philippines. I'm 21 y/o, an amateur manga illustrator and never has been published! lol big_smile  I love drawing, watching anime (for inspiration) and playing pc games. I like friendly people! (who doesn't? hahahaha) specially those who stick with you through the rise and fall of your manga and keeps on motivating you. xD

I've been searching sites where I could post my manga and I found this site through an email by the admin in some forum. I checked the site and found it cool - specially the contest! xD

I've been working on a title a few months ago entitled X-class. I have it here in amilova - http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/337/x-class.html

It's about an apocalypse that would befall mankind and the resurrection of the demon lord Belial. The protagonists will have a mission to unite all continents divided by war to stand as one against the upcoming evil. The theme is medieval war and has anime style art. big_smile

So if you have free time, you can read my manga.
Thanks and enjoy reading! big_smile

Ultima edición por Ikki San Gaspar (31 Oct, 2011 11:12:27)

#2 28 Oct, 2011 06:32:50


Welcome Ikki, your art is great and it's a pleasure to have you among us smile.

As soon as you put your manga available "for translation" I'm sure you'll get fans that will be happy to translate in french, spanish, and other nice languages smile.

Looking forward reading the rest of your cool manga !


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#3 28 Oct, 2011 10:18:00


I really enjoy your project, but I bet people here are curious to find more about you too~ Like where are you from, how old are you, hobbies, lieks dislikes...u know the usual stuff big_smile

#4 31 Oct, 2011 11:15:56

Ikki San Gaspar

Thanks TroyB and Toh! big_smile

I've edited my introduction! hehe
I lost the .psd files of this manga a couple of weeks back due to some technical failures so I'll just have to delete the dialogs manually >__<. This will take a while but I'll make sure to post a "for translation" version within the week! big_smile

#5 31 Oct, 2011 12:33:40


Hi and welcome!
Wow, black and white pages look real good and pro smile

#6 31 Oct, 2011 12:50:24


Your comic has Pretty Good looking! wink

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#7 31 Oct, 2011 17:17:35


You're at the right place!

Welcome! big_smile

On est sur un forum, pas sur votre portable! Votre clavier possède plus de 100 touches!

Language SMS interdit!

#8 08 Nov, 2011 22:33:07


Welcome to Amilova! I liked your comic too. Your style of drawing looks really professional and careful. So I'm waiting for more!

#9 09 Nov, 2011 02:02:37

Ikki San Gaspar

Thanks everyone!! xDDDD

#10 30 May, 2013 15:43:21


It's sad this manga as not been updated in a while... we miss you Ikki wink.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

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