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This is my real friend "DJ Polvo"in a big sand party! lol
Very nice pics!
But this one is my favorit
Thanks everyone!
This is for you Fikiri "GIRL"! lol
Do you remenber that guys?
So, so cute
babee escribió:Thanks everyone!
This is for you Fikiri "GIRL"! lol
Do you remenber that guys?
Yeah Mart! that crazy guys in sand eheee
Do Am I handsome in this photo right?
if you want to do your own Simpsons Avatar.. you can do it here
(Now I´m with long hair... that´s why i did it with long hair.. xD
mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM
if you want to do your own Simpsons Avatar.. you can do it here
Done! )
Ultima edición por Mart (27 Dec, 2011 19:39:44)
I´m gonna find some kind of help... it cannot be... xDD
I reall ythougth that Sunpath was a boy... and I see now she is a really pretty girl!! Come on! Will I not hit anyone?!
now look the last picture and see in hte background the picture of a woman in the exact same pose Ain't that cool eh
I don´t know if it´s cool... but it´s a little scaring xD
Sunpath you are really pretty with short hair
mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM
johandark escribió:I´m gonna find some kind of help... it cannot be... xDD
My professional advice is...look at the profile first.
Well it does not help really too much... There´s a lot of people on amilova that has born in 2010... And I don´t belive those people has less than a year and being registred in amilova... xD Soo... it is understandable that not everybody fill that part xD
If i bring Yellow Glasses in this photo I think that I could really seem like Jaume of Arkham... xD
Ultima edición por johandark (28 Dec, 2011 14:54:20)
mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM … 7279_n.jpg
If i bring Yellow Glasses in this photo I think that I could really seem like Jaume of Arkham... xD
Yup, things like that happen...
The interesting part is that i only copied my clothes and beard, the face came naturaly.
Thanks for the compliments guys . you are very nice.
johandark thank God i am a girl. Can you imagine what a muddled guy i would be if i was a boy with nickname sunpath?!?
and Toh i think i told you but on the last pic the girl on the wall photo is me again but 20 and something years younger.
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