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#1 04 May, 2012 14:04:44


After the cartoonists competition, we're back with new art competitions !!!

Between now and our participation to the convention Japan Expo in Paris (5 to 8 of July) we'll organize plenty of cool competitions !

We will present the new books of Amilova and Hemispheres at the Japan Expo and we want to involve the community in this event with a fan art contest!
The idea? Draw any character, situation, scene of the universe of Amilova and Hemispheres.
The best fanarts will be published at the end of Volume 3, and the authors that have their fanarts published will receive a signed edition of the Book !

More informations on the dedicated topics :
Amilova http://www.amilova.com/fr/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3297
Hémisphères http://www.amilova.com/fr/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3299

We're willing to organize more competitions and cool events for the publication of "Lapin & Tortue", "Only Two book 1 & 2", "Dragon Bros Z book 2" and "Run8 book 2 !!

Stay tuned wink.


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