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#1 05 Dec, 2012 02:16:30


//pets cat

....I've been expecting you.....

Lol yeah so anyways,I'm new here (obviously)
Just finished making my profile all preety
annnnd now I'm ready to meet some peeps! :Me Gusta:

#2 05 Dec, 2012 12:08:06


Good evening to you too ~ ^^ Nice to meet you smile

#3 05 Dec, 2012 12:55:01

Pink_Marionette escribió:

Good evening to you too ~ ^^ Nice to meet you smile

Awesome what brings this fine website?

#4 05 Dec, 2012 13:10:28

Pink_Marionette escribió:

Good evening to you too ~ ^^ Nice to meet you smile

Awesome what brings this fine website?

All the great comics, I suppose! ^^
There's so many talented people here, and great stories. I admire it very much.
I also just started my own comic here smile

how about you?

#5 05 Dec, 2012 23:56:09

Pink_Marionette escribió:
Pink_Marionette escribió:

Good evening to you too ~ ^^ Nice to meet you smile

Awesome what brings this fine website?

All the great comics, I suppose! ^^
There's so many talented people here, and great stories. I admire it very much.
I also just started my own comic here smile

how about you?

I've seen alot of mangas I'm interested in reading.
Good luck on your manga.I'm working on one that I'm hoping I'll be able to get the first chapter up here maybe in two weeks.

#6 06 Dec, 2012 22:31:13


I've seen alot of mangas I'm interested in reading.
Good luck on your manga.I'm working on one that I'm hoping I'll be able to get the first chapter up here maybe in two weeks.

Thanks! Best of luck to you too! ^^v

#7 11 Dec, 2012 14:30:01


Welcome to Amilova's mansion Ms. Undertaker ~bow~. It's a pleasure to meet you. And you nickname is from a name of some anime character, maybe? I've already saw a Undertaker (on Kuroshitsuji/ Black butler) and so i kind of get in the mood of being polite xD.

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