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#1 02 Mar, 2013 01:25:02



As the past year in this same month, it comes back the Monster Dseign Contest, a contest in wich everyone can participate, even if he don't have many drawing skills, and win a prize at the same time that helps to improve the Guild Adventure Webcomic.

Rules are simple: Design a monster alike the ones who appear in Guild Adventure. The monster can be funny, terrible, absurd, powerfull, weak, or whatever you want, as long as it something that will fit in that web comic world. With that design you have to send a smal description of the creature. You can write as long as you want about it, but a few lines are ok. To read Guild Adventure and see how the monsters are, look in [link]

What's important in this contest is not the drawing skills, but the idea (drawing skills will be needed in future contests), you have no more chances to win if you send a huge and detailed photoshop illustration. As long as the creature is recognizable, any drawing have chances to win, anyone can participate and win the prize.

What's the prize?; the winner will have a free color commision from the comic author, of whatever he desires. Plus, he can choose a character to have a cameo in the comic, or some similar colaboration. He can choose a character of his own comic, or roleplaying game, writings, or some other he like, as long at he have permission to do it. Aditionally, the winner creature will appear in the comic (the winner of last year is in the picture at top, the one at the right bottom)

You have all March 2013, until the 31, to send your works. You can do it with a private message in the web or via Email sending it to cenamuerto@hotmail.com or guildadventure@gmail.com (both if you want to be sure the submission reached)

#2 01 Apr, 2013 17:11:20


Time is over, and here are the participants


author: IBGenius
Monster Name:
Tiburón Demoníaco
English Translation: Demonic Shark
Description: A dark grayish shark like figure that is between 60-80 feet full grown. The underside of it though is jet black. His/her eyes glow red and leave a trail that soon disappears behind it wherever it goes. It has been know to leep out of the water and destroy entire fleets of ships crossing the ocean. It has two tusks that prop out from its lower jaw which are around 10 feet in length. It’s most noticeable attack would be its water jet that fires from its mouth causing waves that can reach 50 feet while it’s underwater. While jumping out of water though it has been known to use this as a way to shoot targets with semi good accuracy. Like a normal shark it can sense its surroundings and has a great sense of smell. It feasts on large water creatures. Its gills leave jet water behind that no man can swim against. It lives for aproximately 80 years growing around 5 feet in its juvenile life a year which later slows down to half to one foot a year. It reaches maturity at about age 10. (They grow so fast!)


autor: john edward
Savage arachnid beast with three tails and a big pincer of enormous strength that inhabits in deserts or caverns.

It's said that his mid tail can inject a lethal poison, whereas the other two can inject paralisis or sleep. It only have one pincer but it's too strong and can be used as a shield from hunters, so special care it's advised when fighting it. It also have great maws to engulf preys, so don't try to fight him if you are alone.


author Spruance
Gigan, a big teropod predator. Since it's so big it awaits in the dark of the forest until it's prey is close.


author: sprunce

magnaros, a medium armored monster, an angry herbivore that defens it's territory from predators, it have not good vision.


author Sprunce
Zampur, a big herbivore like a sauropode, it lives in big plains with trees, very calm.


author, dynast graustcherra
monster, bonestealer

note: this text is just too big and i actually have one broken arm so im very slow typing, i can't translate it right now so i will let it be for now and update when i have 2 arms again.

but as a summary, it's a beast that gives incurable diseases to anything it touches, and at the same time its blood is the antidote for that diseases, and can cure anything. It's revered as a god in some tribes and sucks blood, colecting its victims bones.

Esta es una copia del último informe del erudito Udsai Hado, que fue enviado a investigar unas antiguas ruinas. Tanto Udsai como sus ayudantes, además del pueblo cercano en el que tenían su base han muerto todos por una enfermedad desconocida. El pueblo ha quedado marcado como “maldito” y se prohíbe a todo erudito acercarse a el y continuar las investigaciones.

Día 17
Las excavaciones comienzan a dar resultados, hemos desenterrado lo que parece la entrada a un gran templo sepultado, dentro hemos encontrado grandes tesoros, altares…. Y montones de esqueletos. Pero lo que me interesa es el conocimiento y a eso vengo, las paredes del templo están llenas de glifos y escritura de esa cultura desconocida que descubrí  hace tiempo por unas cuantas vasijas y artefactos. Estoy ansioso por empezar a traducir lo que dicen.

Día 18
Tenemos problemas con los trabajadores, al parecer lo que hemos descubierto es el templo de “Tripas del Vacío, el inhumano” una leyenda local sobre un tirano que adoraba un terrible monstruo, temen que entrar en el templo puede provocar la ira del monstruo, lo que es absurdo. De existir tal ser los cazadores de monstruos vendrían por el en hordas para cazarlo.
Mis ayudantes están “requisando” gran cantidad de joyas y reliquias valiosas, sin embargo los habitantes del pueblo se niegan siquiera a tocarlas “están malditas” dicen. Ni siquiera nos ayudan a dar a los esqueletos digna sepultura.
Sobre el trabajo de traducción he comenzado a descifrar lo que está escrito por todo el templo, habla sobre un monstruo y una cultura que lo adoraba, lo que más hay escrito por todo el templo es una advertencia, al parecer lo último que gravaron en el templo, a veces gravado sobre otras cosas. Lo que dice es:   “Nadie debe adorarlo, consumirá y aniquilara a aquellos que lo adoren, igual que las llamas consumen a las polillas que se ven atraídas por su luz”

Día 19
He traducido la mayoría de cosas que dice el templo, casi todo trata sobre un monstruo al que llaman “Ladrón de Huesos”  aunque también he encontrado otras referencias llamándolo “Fénix Negro” y “Pájaro Amortajado”, casi todo lo que dice son leyendas a cada cual mas absurda.

La criatura es descrita como un enorme pájaro negro,  con un plumaje que recuerda una negra mortaja. La cabeza  carece  tanto de plumas como de piel y es blanca, como una calavera. Tiene 2 grandes manchas negras y en algún lugar de estas se encuentran los ojos, aunque otras  leyendas dicen que no tiene ojos.

De su pico y cabeza se dice que son casi indestructibles, el pico , según dicen, es capaz de atravesar cualquier armadura o muralla y lo usa para atacar a otros monstruos y drenarles la sangre, a veces en lugar de matar deja al monstruo vivo (mas o menos) y regresa repetidamente para drenar mas sangre si el monstruo es lo bastante grande para resistir  mas de una vez  este tormento.

Aparte del pico el monstruo tiene 2 crueles garras como enormes garfios afilados  y parece poder usar la cola contra animales pequeños (como una persona)
Lo mas absurdo de estas leyendas es su misterioso “poder”. Si no he traducido mal, el Ladrón de Huesos  al parecer  es el “portador de las plagas”. Si sobrevuela un campo la cosecha se marchita y se pierde, si pasa por un pueblo sus habitantes enferman y mueren. El solo estar cerca de el hace que las personas sientan picor en el cuerpo, garganta, ojos…  Que se va intensificando hasta que la sensación es, al parecer, como “quemarse vivo”, motivo por el que algunos lo llamaban Fénix negro.

Contradiciendo esto ultimo, otra leyenda habla de su sangre que, al parecer, es la cura de toda enfermedad, incluyendo las enfermedades “incurables” que porta este ser. Se su sangre se hablan milagros tales como devolverle la vista a los ciegos, curar cualquier peste por mortal que sea, devolverle la movilidad a miembros inútiles y atrofiados y hasta se dice que con ella se puede preparar una poción que “rejuvenece” literalmente.
Tal vez el motivo de este poder podría ser que el ser desarrollo inmunidad a sus propias plagas y en su sangre esta esta “medicina”.

Como ultima anécdota añadiré que, el nombre de “Ladrón de huesos” es por que según la leyenda  este ser reúne huesos, no se sabe si los come o los usa para algo o simplemente lo hace por “manía”, pero el caso es que su guarida suele estar llena de huesos de monstruo y animales, como un “cementerio de monstruos”.

Asi que en resumen, es un pajarraco enorme con casco y un pico estilo "gigataladro infernal" con habitos vampiricos y portador de pestes e infecciones, pero su sangre lo cura todo.  Enfrentarse a el seria dificil ya que cuanto mas tiempo estas cerca mas te pica de modo que tal ves quieras retirarte y volver a atacar cuando se te pase el efecto. Sin embargo una vez te enfrentas a el mas vale que lo mates pues su sangre es lo unico que cura la enfermedad que transmite.

Los objetivos para queres matarlo pueden ser, desde su sangre para acabar con una epidemia que esta asolando una region (y que cura todo, alguien herido de muerte podria salvarse con su sangre... hmmm se podrian hacer pociones curativas) o su guarida llenas de huesos de monstruo, quien sabe que armas se podrian hacer con lo que se encuentre alli...

ahora que lo pienso... ¿Al luchar con el no te salpicaria su sangre de igual forma? podrian descubrir asi su efecto curativo si les salpica en una herida y esta se cura.


author: alex maxi
It's a four legged beast with bad temper if you touch it's tail. But it also have it's good side if stones are close, since they are it's favourite food. It lives in mountains.


author: melkadian
weight. 25Kg.

-strong, fast-Teleports -Mimetics
It's size and skills make it dificult to catch. It usually don't go in groups, unless one of them hunts something and all enjoy the meal.


author, rambam
It lives in dark forest or caves, killing preys with his fists, it will probably take a liking in rago, for some reason.


author, vivi
I thought maybe MH could do with more smaller, less threatening creatures. Rather than more giant wyverns.
Yokiri is a name which can be replaced if you want.

Basically what I went for was a creature that could aid hunters in carrying objects where aptonoths cannot carry things..like in caves or rough mountain passes.
They are usually found near the base of tall mountains.

The yokiri eat berries which is toxic to people and if given the chance will also follow hunters to scavenge for what they leave behind.
If in captivity they will eat various other berries and plants, which will make them lose their poison saliva.

In ways of defence Yokiri have an incredibly toxic bite from their usual diet of poison berries, they apply their toxic saliva to their suprisingly sharp and serrated frontal canine teeth then bite into the body of the threatening being.
The poison saliva is also used to coat each of the members of their family with toxins, to put off potential predators from devouring them.
They also have tough horns on which they can ram various things off the mountain, a show of dominance and self defence.
They shed their horns twice per year as adults, and numerous times as they mature.
The more rings the horns have, the older the Yokiri is.

It isnt unusual for a Yokiri to follow a hunter and ram them from behind to try and steal shiny objects or food from their pack and take it back into their den.

It has sensitive hearing however, so loud noises (such as sonic bombs) will often send it into panic, which will cause it to let out a ear piercing screech.

If raised in captivity however, yokiri can make very good pets, or beasts of burden. Due to their small, but tough build, they can carry the weight of a hunter and their pack across rocky terrain with relative ease.
Yokiri also have a lifespan of up to 40 years in the wild, and up to 50 if in capitivity.

Keep in mind that if you keep Yokiri (same if plural) they will keep the quirk of trying to coat others it would consider family with saliva, which is also a display of affection


and now for the winner, it was a dificult one, there were many entries and i was in doubt between some of them, but in the end i choose this one


i foun interesting the concept of a beast that it's at the same time a plague and a salvation, it extend deseases but its blood can cure anything so you may want to hunt him, but at the same time if it touches you, you can only keep going until it or you die, since you will die anyways if you don't use its blood.

i will contact the winner for his price, and the beast will someday appear in http://guildadventure.amilova.com

#3 30 May, 2013 15:14:47


The concept is amazing... I hope you got some feedback on it

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