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#1 15 Dec, 2011 15:57:30


For more comfort we've updated the design of the menu !
Now you can navigate easily from sub-section to sub-section !
It's gonna spare you some clicks wink.

Another thing : we've updated the design of the footer. Mainly to put more pro informations.
The design is done but the text are not fully finished yet, please be a bit patient... we're on it wink.

We hope you'll enjoy these updates fully wink.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#2 17 Dec, 2011 01:12:49


Saw it! It's pretty but when we move the arrow the tab closes hmm
But it's a matter till ppl get used to it I belive

#3 17 Dec, 2011 15:41:01


New design is very useful, but you should add some colors. Now it looks a bit average smile

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