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#1 06 Jan, 2012 07:37:22


First of all I want to wish you a prosperous and happy new year!

As you know this is the 12th week since our contest has started. During the contest, at least 2 new pages must be released every week. So, all the comics must have at least 34 pages by the end of this week.

You will find below a summary of all the released pages.

Trick Master (edegaragostinho) 25/25

X-Class (Ikki San Gaspar) 25/25

Dragon Scream (Toh) 28/28

La bande de losers et Dieu (wayne) 28/28

Level 53 (Drawly) 28/28

WAW (World At War) (darkpiwo) 29/29

Joker (NaNa Sakaru) 30/30

Braver (Van Reigh) 30/30

Oscar Fé (H-def) 30/30

La Marque (stelli) 30/30

sheepis (Tcim) 31/31

Momo ma jolie mélodie (Momonem) 31/31

Follow me (ezysummers) 31/31

Aux origines de la vie animale (yhann35) 32/43

Itai Tenshi (Y-Mangaka) 32/32

Psyché (*marianne*) 32/32

Enemy inside (Nowaki) 32/32

Irène et les Heimdalls (Reen et Aka) 32/32

The Eye of Poseidon (tangra) 32/32

Haven (valdé) 32/32

Moon Chronicles (ivy-mitsuno) 33/38

Mink (NanaJ) 33/33

Je reconstruirai ton monde (misscania) 33/33

Last Time (Kazet) 34/36

Retro Futur (Akioh) 34/34

Daëlites (Len) 34/34

Bird (CrashBoomBang) 34/34

Trois Mousquetaires (El Jerko) 34/34

Level UP ! (Krayon) 34/34

La Danse d'Alinoë (Aramis) 34/34

Psychomantium (Eskhar) 35/35

Elysia (hayard) 35/35

Zack et les anges de la route (sebynosaure) 36/36

Blind Connection (Kiriel) 36/36

My Destiny (Chibi Dam'z) 36/42

Fruits perdus (lostfruty) 37/37

Give me some love! (babee) 37/37

Le Fil Rouge (Linoa) 37/37

Cat's Girls - Tome spécial (Aure-magik) 37/37

Lapin et Tortue (Ibi) 39/41

La Légende des Dragons (Oddeyes) 40/42

Y'en a marre de Jean Némard (roro318) 40/40

Cupidon Boy (Adou Fisch) 41/41

Love & Business (sya) 41/41

Fireworks Detective (Art-of-Kawaii) 42/42

Junk Story (Desdemond) 43/48

Sweet (lolo78014) 43/43

Sasori (Ruleslemanga) 44/44

Réflexions Affligeantes (Mariko) 45/45

Nolan (stephane censi) 45/47

Blog et Méchant (BlogEtMéchant) 45/45

The God and the Player (lauramma) 45/45

Traces (Esteryn) 45/45

Mannheim (Strawberry) 48/48

KAMO Mystère noir (Michaël) 48/61

Duo des étoiles (shéra) 50/50

Jack & The Beanstalk (higan) 53/53

Nomya (Alex Xaysena) 55/55

Imperfect (Kinkgirl) 58/66

Apple strength (bloodyAKI) 59/59

Battle Saga (Alvinator) 62/62

HELLSHLING (Mariko) 65/65

Aux Armes (Marialexie) 67/83

Androïde (Mzanie) 67/111

Aka-chan (pandaka) 69/73

Dark Eagle (stephane censi) 70/75

Ashell (Pehesse) 71/104

Etat des lieux (Monsieur To) 75/75

Food Attack (A.C.Puig) 81/90

Yokai Yokai (mbuma) 87/94

ARKHAM (johandark) 100/108

Bishop's Normal Adventures (Biishop) 104/104

Full Moon (Blood Wolf) 127/128

Only Two (Jérôme) 145/147

Mythes et Légendes (Miss-M) 196/208

Coeur d'Aigle (nynadp) 243/247

SethXFaye (Keiden) 283/304

Human Puppets (Vavanemo) 385/419



***5 autours have withdrawn their comics from the contest for personal reasons: Aline Potiron (Let me Fly), Watapoku (The Black Doctor), kei sakurada (La meute solitaire), IDias (Orium Caspium) and Alvinator (Dirty cosmos). But we hope that they will continue to publish on Amilova smile

***As you can see, there are some autours that are late with their pages uploads. This is probably due to the holiday season.

So we decided to give them a last chance: those who are not of their first 'delay' will have to upload their pages until Friday midnight, while others must catch up by Monday, January 9, 2012!

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