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#1 26 Jun, 2013 18:36:14


Hi, im looking for someone who will be interested in translating my regular webcomic, Guild adventure, a monster hunter inspired shonen i've been uploading here for more than a year, to french from english or spanish. I had some translators but they stoped and banished time ago hmm, now one friend translates some page from time to time but she don't have time and don't know the language so much to do it acurately, so i will be pleased if someone helps me with that.

The comic its in english and spanish and it's updated twice a week, this is the french version http://www.amilova.com/fr/BD-manga/3510 … age-1.html the translation it's about 20 pages behind of the spanish and english version sad

Contact me if someone it's interested, maybe i can pay the favor of a regular translation with some drawing or cameo smile

#2 29 Jun, 2013 10:58:04


Oh I did not know the french publication stopped.
Have you posted this on the french forum ?


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