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#1 23 Sep, 2011 23:02:31


Just registered in the forum, a friend of mine suggested me this website, and it seemed really cool. I like reading comics, manga and watching anime. Among other I like translating, and I have experience in forums with translating, English to Italian especially.

Hope to have fun with you here. smile

Dernière modification par DragonCryings (23 Sep, 2011 23:18:35)

#2 24 Sep, 2011 00:02:20

DragonCryings a écrit :

Just registered in the forum, a friend of mine suggested me this website, and it seemed really cool. I like reading comics, manga and watching anime. Among other I like translating, and I have experience in forums with translating, English to Italian especially.

Hope to have fun with you here. smile

Jajaja it´s dangerous to say that you can translate a comic... More even if you can translate English to Italian jeje because there´s no too much italian readers here...

What you can do is read some of the comics that there are here... and when you like one offer yourself to translate.

It´s very easy do it wink... I mean the tools to translate are fast and without complications. wink

... I´m the author of Arkham, the littlee vampire and Dark Heroes 2010.

Welcome to Amilova wink


mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#3 24 Sep, 2011 08:36:31


Thank you for your welcome.
Well, I registered mainly because my friend told me that I might give a help with translating, especially italian, but I mean is fine, I will come to learn little by little about the forum and enjoy its many ways.


#4 24 Sep, 2011 09:09:09


Welcome to you dragoncryings !

Always happy to see new members on Amilova.

Enjoy our comics.

Venez suivre l'actualité de Run 8 sur notre blog :http://studio-takoyaki.id.st
Et soutenez nous sur notre page facebook
Plonge dans une œuvre de pure Dark fantasy en lisant Run 8

#5 24 Sep, 2011 11:37:17


Thank you ^^

#6 24 Sep, 2011 11:52:02


Welcome DragonCryings tongue I hope you like it here ( for the rest: I am the friend who suggested her to join the forum:P she is amazing and really good with translation so I think we are going to have a great time with her in the community tongue )

Salute! big_smile

#7 24 Sep, 2011 12:07:48


I think only amilova has a translation to Italian... and now in amilova there are more than 50 diferent comics... Soooo....... jajaja

It would be really nice have Italian readers in Amilova... but to have this there must be more comics in Italian ^^

Thank you for all tongue I hope you like comics there are here!


mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#8 24 Sep, 2011 13:06:06


Mwhahaha, hola Toh smile

I can help and spread the forum's popularity among italians in the forums I am already registered. As for Italian comics, I am up for any projects you suggest smile

#9 24 Sep, 2011 13:31:45


Just read any comic you prefer... EveryBody will be really happy to see their own comic translated. But for translate.. first talk with TroyB with a Private Message. He will be really happy to see your interest ^^.

Thanks For All!

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#10 24 Sep, 2011 15:49:06

Toh a écrit :

I am the friend who suggested her to join the forum:P she is amazing and really good with translation so I think we are going to have a great time with her in the community tongue )

Great idea Toh wink !!! Very nice of you to bring kind new member on board wink !!!

DragonCryings, welcome here smile !!!

It's a pleasure to welcome you among us, and I'm very please to read that you have such good intentions wink !!!

The italian side of Amilova (http://www.amilova.com/it/) has been translated by BK-81 and Ichizomi...
but recently they've been absent... so my Amilova is 30 pages behind the english version http://www.amilova.com/it/comics-manga/ … ge-55.html
And there's too few comics translated in Italian.

Fumetti in italiano, italiani in generale, e lingua italiana sono particolarmente importanti per me perché la mia famiglia, le mie radici sono italiane smile.
Ho dimenticato la maggiora parte del mio italiano, quindi sono frustrato, ma saro tanto felice di dare il benvenuto a piu di lettore italiani, non potete immaginare smile.

Urgh reading my italian I feel ashamed... I'm sure you'll do a better job that I do DragonCryings smile.

Well if you wanna help translating... you can start with the artists that manifested their interest here smile. RUN8 (by studio takoyaki), Arkham (by Johandark)... soon Toh's comic smile. Feel free to  the manga you prefer... and do some good to the artist community smile.

Again, welcome on board wink.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#11 24 Sep, 2011 16:15:34


Troy, grazie tanto del tuo benvenuto. Mi piacerebbe tanto aiutarti, anche se ti serve qualcuno che faccia la traduzione alla tua Amilova in italiano. (per me non ci sono problemi)

I will definitely check the ones you suggested me as well, and I am waiting forward to Toh's comic ^^

Comunque sia, teniamoci in contatto per ogni esigenza. smile

#12 09 Oct, 2011 13:24:14


Hey nice! We really need translators wink

I'm late sorry, but welcome smile

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