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#1 17 Oct, 2011 14:13:57


hello everybody smile

I know that it's very plaisant for me to have a version of the intersting comics in my mother tong so I translated mine in english for internationnal members smile

by the way, i hope you'll notice and like my "official" manga fonts and not the amilova traductor ones, I think it's better for a good global appreciation

I propose you to appreciate it here smile

I'll post some artworks or work evolutions later if some of you are interested.

I'll also make some comments about my way to draw and produce this comics.

So for the moment, I think there is all the informations, if you have any question or request do not hesitate to contact me by private message wink

Moreover, maybe you noticed that my english isn't perfect, if there's any error or mistake in the comics or in the topic, please tell me. I'm actually studying in an english highschool and improve this kind of skill could really help me smile

thank you for you attention and see you later on amilova wink

Dernière modification par valdé (18 Oct, 2011 08:39:06)

Valdé, auteur, gaulois, mangeur de nutella♥ et tueur de moustiques smile

#2 18 Oct, 2011 07:26:00


hummm... you did not put any direct link to your comic, or wich comic you are doing... wink

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#3 18 Oct, 2011 08:36:50


that's true but this topic is in the party dedicated to my comics (haven) moreover, the link is in my "signature" but i'll correct this error, thank you ^^ it's hard to be on 2 versions of the website tongue

Valdé, auteur, gaulois, mangeur de nutella♥ et tueur de moustiques smile

#4 18 Oct, 2011 09:21:38

johandark a écrit :

hummm... you did not put any direct link to your comic, or wich comic you are doing... wink

here it is smile
http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/ … age-1.html

#5 18 Oct, 2011 10:46:25


does i have an english supporter ? big_smile

Valdé, auteur, gaulois, mangeur de nutella♥ et tueur de moustiques smile

#6 18 Oct, 2011 11:26:21


>^^ it's hard to be on 2 versions of the website

I can promise you that it´s even harder been in 4 diferent verions of the website (spanish, english, french and catalan) and with 3 diferent comics. (arkham, dark heroes and Lukard).

So do not complain so much ... tongue

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#7 18 Oct, 2011 11:54:02

johandark a écrit :

>^^ it's hard to be on 2 versions of the website

I can promise you that it´s even harder been in 4 diferent verions of the website (spanish, english, french and catalan) and with 3 diferent comics. (arkham, dark heroes and Lukard).

So do not complain so much ... tongue

i knew it ---> crazy ^^ someone really involved in his work smile

Valdé, auteur, gaulois, mangeur de nutella♥ et tueur de moustiques smile

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