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#1 15 Sep, 2011 23:10:48


Here you can talk about anything, school, life in general, video games, topicality, etc.

without flooding, of course wink


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#2 16 Sep, 2011 14:33:20


That's a cool idea ]o.OshadowO.o[ smile !!!

I'm starting > we're about to participate to an Event this weekend ! The Amilova team will be in http://www.facebook.com/ONfest !
Lots of work, a bit stressfull... but very exciting wink.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#3 17 Sep, 2011 17:11:01

TroyB a écrit :

That's a cool idea ]o.OshadowO.o[ smile !!!

I'm starting > we're about to participate to an Event this weekend ! The Amilova team will be in http://www.facebook.com/ONfest !
Lots of work, a bit stressfull... but very exciting wink.


What is this festival about?

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#4 18 Sep, 2011 17:21:24


I really enjoyed your presentation at the ON! Fest, and the stand you had was amazing. The idea of showing people the working process is awesome and I personally really enjoyed it! Your staff is great and I believe the company has a promising future smile


#5 19 Sep, 2011 07:15:06

Toh a écrit :

I really enjoyed your presentation at the ON! Fest, and the stand you had was amazing. The idea of showing people the working process is awesome and I personally really enjoyed it! Your staff is great and I believe the company has a promising future smile


THANKS for the kind words Toh, it was a great pleasure to meet you in person wink.

ON!Fest has been an excellent adventure, and the feedback we got from the visitors has been really motivating !!!

Now I'm exhausted with my head banging... but soon power is gonna flow again wink.

Looking forward to present your art to our community, I'm sure they'll enjoy it wink !


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#6 09 Oct, 2011 13:54:57


Hey guys, don't hesitate to cheer and post messages. The more you post, the more fun you'll have exanging with other forumers wink

On est sur un forum, pas sur votre portable! Votre clavier possède plus de 100 touches!

Language SMS interdit!

#7 12 Jan, 2012 07:28:59



#8 12 Jan, 2012 12:12:38

sunpath a écrit :


Who doesn't? smile

#9 13 Jan, 2012 06:58:44


i know but just lately a barely make it. there is always some tasks and i have so little time for myself and my laziness big_smile

#10 13 Jan, 2012 08:59:51


Well, i have so much free time that i don't appreciate it and my laziness takes the control. So apparently we need something in the middle. smile In my case I need to find a job so that I can start appreciate my free time and start using it, not waste it. smile

#11 13 Jan, 2012 13:21:10

Robot Panda

Well, it's the nature of people to not appreciate what they have until it gets taken away from them. big_smile I want to have 48 hours days, but oh well. I have enough time anyway.

#12 14 Jan, 2012 09:22:13

Robot Panda a écrit :

Well, it's the nature of people to not appreciate what they have until it gets taken away from them. big_smile

Happens to me every time! I really should consider becoming an immortal, then i wont give a...well, you know. smile

#13 16 Jan, 2012 12:47:40

Robot Panda

But then you will strip your soul of the purifying cycle of death and rebirth, which leads to the bad, unpleasant kind of insanity! D:

On a side note, Legacy of Kain rocks, with its philosophy and everything.

#14 16 Jan, 2012 14:23:44

Robot Panda a écrit :

But then you will strip your soul of the purifying cycle of death and rebirth, which leads to the bad, unpleasant kind of insanity! D:

On a side note, Legacy of Kain rocks, with its philosophy and everything.

I'm speaking of immortality...i'm already insane! smile

About Legacy of Kain, that's one of the games i grew up with. wink

#15 18 Jan, 2012 08:15:39

Robot Panda

Insanity is the new black, man P: You have to be batshit crazy to stand out in these days. : (


#16 18 Jan, 2012 08:50:00


And the bible ( i like the way those things shake in your post ) said: Only the batshit crazy shall ( man, those things shake good ) survive the zombie apocalypse in 2012! big_smile

P.S. Shake, shake... big_smile big_smile big_smile

#17 18 Jan, 2012 14:04:44

Robot Panda

My book of fiction says "And the insane shall lead the zombie apocalypse in 2012" big_smile

#18 18 Jan, 2012 18:36:38


I wanted to say something smart but those things shake baby shake, shake, shake...

#19 19 Jan, 2012 09:59:45


We can't be serious all the time...;) smile

#20 19 Jan, 2012 23:18:21


big_smile:D:D:D i am so rarely

#21 20 Jan, 2012 00:40:10


I´m still waiting your comments from my VideoReel and all thinks that I explain here tongue

http://www.amilova.com/en/forum/viewtop … p=1#p38530

and your Devianart SunPath tongue

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#22 20 Jan, 2012 17:53:59

sunpath a écrit :

big_smile:D:D:D i am so rarely

You scared me for a second there... smile big_smile

#23 20 Jan, 2012 18:30:41


Damn, I had no job last year, now I'm back to school, I don't have time anymore, but I prefere it this way smile

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#24 30 May, 2013 18:19:43

]o.OshadowO.o[ a écrit :

Damn, I had no job last year, now I'm back to school, I don't have time anymore, but I prefere it this way smile

Well come say hello from time to time wink

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