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#1 27 Jun, 2012 13:27:01



Like in 2011, the Amilova team will be in Paris at the Japan-Expo convention, the biggest manga event in Europe !
Come meet us there on the BB29 stand, we will be nice to you .

This event will be the opportunity to release 10 news books in exclusivity, before they're available in french bookstores and on Amazon !

We will have the 10 authors signing these books (link to the news[fr])



On our booth will also be available goodies, and also all the other books !




Friday from 16h45 to 17h30 TroyB, co-founder of Amilova.com, will make a conference on the theme "Working in the manga industry : from the dream to reality". This conference will explain all the aspects of this wonderfull world, in an entertaining way !


Soon more news to come for the whole Amilova community, keep in touch !

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