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#1 17 Oct, 2012 22:52:28


I miss the "first comic" and "Last comic" buttons while reading or checking comics in amilova. Yeah, yeah, i know i can use the chapter/page menu, but that is not confortable for the reader... Also, although you can move the page by clicking on them, as all the webcomic pages do have a "next" and "previous" button, may casual readers dont find the way of moving around the pages (and yep, i was told about this by some people)

#2 18 Oct, 2012 07:46:08


That´s true... I miss too this two buttons, like DBM or subcultura comic web page.

I can go to the last page published and go to the first page published so fast, and it´s very useful.

In amilova it´s a little more complicated do this thing. wink


mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#3 25 Oct, 2012 06:41:14

Darius a écrit :

I miss the "first comic" and "Last comic" buttons while reading or checking comics in amilova. Yeah, yeah, i know i can use the chapter/page menu, but that is not confortable for the reader... Also, although you can move the page by clicking on them, as all the webcomic pages do have a "next" and "previous" button, may casual readers dont find the way of moving around the pages (and yep, i was told about this by some people)

We deeply thought about these buttons.
In the end, we agreed that they're usefull only to authors, very few readers use it.
And adding these buttons was making the design more heavy and hard to read.
Current design is a good compromise between design and ergonomy.
And be happy, if we were an Apple product, there would only one button to do ALL the navigation smile.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#4 25 Oct, 2012 07:32:37


I dont agree, as so did tell me many readers, but it`s your page, so up to you.

I think the best solution would be to leave each author decide if they like functionallity better than design by implementing such choice in their "management" section of the comics.

Dernière modification par Darius (25 Oct, 2012 07:35:26)

#5 25 Oct, 2012 08:31:18


I'm fine with it guys, "less is more", too many options and I'd feel like I'm on a spaceship :-D

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