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#1 19 Nov, 2013 13:45:28


Hi guys, and most specifically the admin team (you know who you are ^^)

Just a thought, I was wondering if it was possible to have 2 or more comic covers when you have different language versions on your comic.

I see a lot of comics having the title written in the original language and it looks weird to me. I guess it would help a lot the readers of one language to have also the cover translated.

La BD sans dessin, c'est possible et c'est sur A frog's life!

#2 19 Nov, 2013 14:16:03


Hi, im no admin but moderator, i think i can help with that.

You can upload a different cover for translation than the original. You can upload a cover with a blank space so whoever translates it can write the title in his language, or you can go to an existing translation and change the cover for another you want. This can be done from the same window you use to update your comic.

#3 19 Nov, 2013 22:51:53


Cool. I'll have a try. I just need to re do my cover first!

La BD sans dessin, c'est possible et c'est sur A frog's life!

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