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#1 28 Sep, 2011 17:32:53


I'm the author of the comic Bird. I'm very happy I'm here and participating in's contest, cause I really love comics and drawing comics.
You can find it here:
I hope you like it. Don't hesitate to leave your comments or critiques there.:)

See you around!

#2 28 Sep, 2011 21:54:27


Great to have you here ^^, are you bulgarian? Tell us more about yourself and if you have some works other than Bird smile

#3 29 Sep, 2011 13:36:30


Yeah, I'm bulgarian. I study animation and graphic design, but comics are my soft spot and I'd be really happy if I could do this for a living smile
I have some other works that you can check on the net, but most of them are made long time ago (2007-2009).
This year me and couple of colleagues made a bulgarian fanzine in attept to liven up things here, cause the comic scene is pretty much dead. It's called "Co-mixer". We have a facebook page, but most of the stuff there is in bulgarian. Check it out, if you like: … 6608967834
Recently I made a manga story which won the manga contest organised by Aniventure (Bulgarian Anime Convention -> ), it's not on the net yet, but I suppose I'm gonna upload it soon enough.
If you want to check my other (and older) works, you can find them here: ( not all things are mine there though, I share the account with my sister.)

well, that's pretty much it smile

#4 09 Oct, 2011 13:32:51


nice nickname x)

I'm late sorry, but welcome smile

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