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1407 comics & mangas


#1 14 Oct, 2011 11:45:42


As you've noticed :

  • there is a new header, special competition smile

  • comics and mangas are not separated on the homepage homepage

No Panic, it's not the final version wink.
The top of the final version will look like this!/p … =1&theater

But the competition approaching, we don't want to make too many crazy updates at the same time... so the bg design update will wait next week smile.

We hope you all appreciate the nice evolution... we're working hard for your happiness smile.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#2 14 Oct, 2011 12:10:20


Looks amazing! Good Job!! And thanks for all the work u have done to ease our stay here smile

#3 14 Oct, 2011 14:35:26


... The look is amazing, that´s right... But I don´t understand really much wich is the difference between Comic and Manga... People will see the same thing :S.

Is the color the difference? No... amilova and hemispheres is in color and it´s manga... :S

Is the stile of draw? It´s not possible, there´s no law about how to draw manga xD. You can do little eyes, but you can do small eyes, liker Berserk or Monster, or Akira...

The periodicity of pages? Nobody is uploading 30 pages every week xD...

So... who decide what is manga and what is comic? the artist? :S I´m not sure about that xD.

however, the display is cool.

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#4 29 Oct, 2011 13:50:59

Keruo Nasumishi

The most basic difference is the way of reading. Most of the people who prefer and read more manga would normally draw it and write it from right to left, and western comics, from left to right. Since internet is the most popular way to show your work, and a lot of non-japanese people draw manga, the right-left type is not needed at all sometmes.

You have probably noticed that on the home page they're not separated by their way of reading. That's because of the differences in the way of drawng and style that you mentioned. Nowadays there are tons of new categories of manga and comics, but  there's some little things that mostly pro-s include. Fanmade or more alternative comics and manga include more wide range of technics, since they either aim for a really new and original look, or just painly are not aware of the difficulties and problems caused by actuall mass Printing of the work. Mostly comics are sold in colour, since japanese try to make their manga as long as they can, so they can be sold and payd, that's why they rarely put 2-3 colored pages in the beginning, because their price is high to print and way to much time - consuming. When they are pro/selling authors, they make 15 to 45 pages a week, so color is impossible.
Both are made in ink and pen in the beginning, but comics are usually with thicker lines, different type of anathomy than most of the manga. For popular mangaka, even though they mostly work with tablets and pc-s today, they've mostly kept their lineweights, which can variate in 1 line (thick-thin-thick). They also try to keep the screentone type of shading (different sizes of black dots and lines), because it's the kata (way) of the doing manga, and japanese like to keep their kata. Big eyes are not always there in some manga like old style works and seinen manga, but they do keep the popular expressions, shape of the head and partly the type of anatomy. A very distinctive thing about manga are the noses. There are almost No noses with round ends, except some really ugly, or evil characters and really small amount of exceptions. Also, in manga speach balloons are usually hand drawn and vertical.
In comics, they don't put that much attention on the beauty of the eyes and hair and there aren't that much rules! For the storylines, there's another ton of ways to seperate them.. I can go on like this for hours, but that would be really annoying, I hope it helped big_smile

I'm really sorry for this long offtopic post!

編集者 Keruo Nasumishi (29 Oct, 2011 13:54:14)

#5 31 Oct, 2011 17:53:58

Keruo Nasumishi さんの発言:

I'm really sorry for this long offtopic post!

No no don't be sorry, thanks Keruo Nasumishi it's a great explanation wink !!!

Johandark > who decides > well it's Salagir, Fikiri and me.
If you disagree on some selection, we can talk about it smile.
But when we've put some of your art in "comics" well... I think it's nicer for you... there's less 'competition' in comics, so it means more visibility wink.

In the end, we did this difference because we've noticed that manga readers are very tolerant and in general open minded, ready to read mangas AND comics.

While people (reasders and artists) that read comics and bande-dessinées... it oftent happens that they read ONLY comics and bande-dessinées smile. So if they arrive on and see mangas... they will not even bother to search, they will directly close the site and go somewhere else wink.

So that's why we made this design and separation... and apparently most of the people like it wink.

THANKS for your support and interest wink.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#6 31 Oct, 2011 18:38:13


"Johandark > who decides > well it's Salagir, Fikiri and me.
If you disagree on some selection, we can talk about it ."

I´m really happy to be in comics!! there is less competence... and i´s an honor to be considered a comic... ^^

" it oftent happens that they read ONLY comics and bande-dessinées . So if they arrive on and see mangas... they will not even bother to search, they will directly close the site and go somewhere else ."

Huummm... That´s a good point... I never thought about it... Yeah... good decision!

Ok... problem solved.. it´s just that i had this question ^^ thank  you very much!

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

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