The page listing all comics is reborn !
Now you can filter in various ways how the comics are displayed !
And now (at last) comics in your languages AND comics in other languages are shown separately !!!
It's now very easy to browse comics, see what's new, see all the cool things you're missing because you don't speak this or this language, see if there's cool comics you could translate... well, a LOT of cool new things !!!
We hope this will bring you satisfaction... we've been working hard on making this, really twisted our brains to be sure that this page would become "as it should always have been" .
And if you like it... TELL US !!!
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I see it's not divided by category's now? They show all of then in once, i think it's easier indeed
Well you can add filters to divide them by category or genre .
Glad you all seem to like it .
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