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#1 22 Dec, 2011 06:05:09


Hi there,
sorry that i am late with my presentation, but lately i had too much work to do and just a bit of time for Amilova's community. So let's do it properly

Hello, my name is Dora but in all forums and such i use sunpath. It is a very stretched translation of my name: do - as path in Japanese and Ra - as the Egyptian god of sun.
I like comics, manga, anime, cartoon and everything connected with them. Lately I broad my horizons mainly in Japanese cuture but that does not mean I don't appreciate a good comic or a nice book.
Unfortunately for me but fortunately for you i don't draw otherwise I'd have flooded the site with my creations, or at list i would have tried.  So to compensate that I translate. From English to Bulgarian mainly so the Bulgarian fans can enjoy such great works as ARKHAM, Dragon Scream, Lapin et Tortue ect. I wish i had more time to do more but for now this is as much as i can do. Sometimes when i have time i write stories, but probably i need more practise before i dare to look for artist to draw them.
So back to the "translating" topic. I understand pretty well Russian so if there are authors who write in Russian such as sanspeak (just look at this: isn't it great?)  i would love to dust off and repolish my Russian and try to translate them to Bulgarian or English.
Some random facts:
I am the founder of "Kokodoko" - Bulgarian club for anime and manga. (Some of you people might know us form ON!Fest. We were right next to Amilova's stand. Yes the Geisha house and Host Club)
I like sweets ( ooo the cakes in "100 grama sladki" are my favourite)
And I use to play softball (miss those days)
see you around

#2 22 Dec, 2011 08:14:13


Welcome to Amilova (officially) wink

And thanks for your translations!
I've tried to bring some Russian artists here, but it didn't work so good sad
Currently we have only:

"The Heart of Earth" by YonYonYon: … earth.html

"The Thief's Key" and "Evil" by Eviana … earth.html

But the three comics are already available in English.

I will keep trying to bring more Russian artist and comics in Russian. If you help with the translation in English, may be it could be much easier smile

#3 22 Dec, 2011 12:23:27


Amazing Work Sunpath!

You translated all Arkham Comic in a language that I has no Idea how is pronunced... so that make me feel really happy ^^.

It´s a good way that amilova increase thanks to people like you. You cannot imagine how important is for artist who begin in this hard and firing ground of comic life.

I would like to see more of your work when you upload it here. wink

(And Fikiri... I don´t know how much russians or English people you found.. but Spanish Community had grown a lot thanks to you wink

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#4 22 Dec, 2011 12:52:27

sunpath さんの発言:

Hi there,
sorry that i am late with my presentation, but lately i had too much work to do and just a bit of time for Amilova's community. So let's do it properly

No need to apologize, thanks for this nice and complete presentation wink !!!!

sunpath さんの発言:

I translate. From English to Bulgarian mainly so the Bulgarian fans can enjoy such great works as ARKHAM, Dragon Scream, Lapin et Tortue ect. I wish i had more time to do more but for now this is as much as i can do.

THANKS for all your help wink. There's more and more great works available in bulgarian and I'm very happy to see that happening! It's a great gift you're doing to your country's culture and to the community!
With time, I'm sure you'll get more help and more nice art will be available in bulgarian wink.

sunpath さんの発言:

So back to the "translating" topic. I understand pretty well Russian so if there are authors who write in Russian such as sanspeak

Sanspeak art is amazing, I think he presented his gallery here some months ago, but at that time it was not possible to publish in russian... now it is possible so... smile!
We've seen amazing russian and bulgarian artists on DA and I think they deserve to be seen by the entire world wink.
The Amilova's translators/helpers/international-multilingual community is growing nicely, especially recently with the incredible dynamism of the spanish community !

The idea that a good bulgarian/russian/whereverian artist could be available in english... and quickly after in spanish and french... sounds really cool no smile ?

Anyway THANKS for your proposition smile.

sunpath さんの発言:

I am the founder of "Kokodoko" - Bulgarian club for anime and manga. (Some of you people might know us form ON!Fest. We were right next to Amilova's stand. Yes the Geisha house and Host Club)

Fikiri told me you were the old baba... is your back getting better :-D ?

Thanks for all your help on Amilova, and all you're doing for manga-anime culture in bulgaria wink.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#5 22 Dec, 2011 16:55:14


To TroyB
My back is much better after i retired from entertaining business big_smile

Thank you all for the warm welcome.

#6 15 Jan, 2012 13:02:22


@ Sunpath : I just wanted to thank you very much (yeah sorry I keep thanking you again and again but it's so nice of you to do it ^.^') for translating my Comics Traces smile Take care of your back and welcome ! smile

編集者 Esteryn (15 Jan, 2012 13:02:57)

--- Vous aimez le mystère ? Vous apprécierez peut-être la BD Traces. ---
°°° Ou les contes "à la Fontaine" ? Essayez celui de La Grenouille. °°°

#7 16 Jan, 2012 08:17:38


Thank you Esteryn, my back fine now. And don't worry about the translations as I sad before on many occasions the pleasure is all main

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