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#1 22 Jun, 2011 15:14:19


Almost two years ago, anime studio Madhouse announced it’s four-part anime project to take famous Marvel characters and introduce them to Japanese audiences. It’s already released the first three, Iron Man, Wolverine, and X-Men. To round out and finish the project is the upcoming Blade anime.

As you know Blade is vampire hunter in the Marvel Comics universe. Created by writer Marv Wolfman and penciller Gene Colan, his first appearance was in the comic book The Tomb of Dracula #10 (July 1973) as a supporting character. The character went on to alternatively star and co-star in several comic book series as well as a film and television series.

Soon Blade will have his own anime series. The Japanese staff seems pretty interesting. Directing is Mitsuyuki Masuhara with a script by Battle Royale movie franchise veteran Kenta Fukasuka.

The story revolves around the vampire hunter travelling to Japan to battle Deacon Frost, while making new allies that include a woman named Makoto, vampire hunter descendent Noah Van Helsing and his dog Razor.

The series will debut in Japan on July. The Ustream website will stream the first episode - with commentary by the director and the script supervisor  - live to computers worldwide on July 1 at 9:45 p.m. in Japan (8:45 a.m. EDT). The first episode will premiere on TV in Japan at 10:00 p.m. that same evening.

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#2 02 Jul, 2011 19:57:44

Diogenes Mota

I'm searching for the other parts of the serie (Wolverine and Iron-man). If anyone can give me some direction where to look, I'll be very grateful.

#3 20 Jul, 2011 14:04:10


i want it now!

#4 29 Jul, 2011 22:52:00

a3thethird … ntures.php here it is (dubbed) this the one u meant?

#5 29 Jul, 2011 22:54:54

a3thethird this is most likely the wolverine u meant.

#6 11 Nov, 2011 13:16:32


The series are not bad but i hate blade's glasses...they should have made them dark black 'couse now he looks a little bit like Elton Jhon smile big_smile

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