(i'm taking Troy's message, yeah, really)
We're currently finalizing Hemispheres Book 3 !
At the end of book 2 we had 3 fanarts done by artists from the community, and everyone liked it !
http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/ … n-art.html
For Book 3, we're doing it again, with a little competition around it .
Draw whatever you want from the Hemisphere Universe... in your own style !
When the picture is ready, post it here on this topic !
Fanarts we like will be put online on the gallery http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/ … n-art.html, and we will choose 10 to 20 fanarts that will be published as bonuses at the end of book 3 !!
Start : yesterday
End : 20th of may
Limitations :
- no cross-over : in the manga, readers won't know who are the other characters
- no pornography, we're read by children, you know
You can propose as many fanarts as you want, you can use traditional drawings, colors, black-white, digital... up to you
The format must be "portrait", because it'll be printed in a manga page.
Also, in a good definition. Make the picture as least 1000x1400 px. But more is better.
Authors that will have their fanarts selected will receive a signed copy of Hemispheres Book 3 ! This book will be in french, but the copy will be sent where you are in the world .
With your picture, will be your nickname and a link of your choice. Give these two informations when you post, in case you win
Don't hesitate to ask questions !
Salagir & Troy
Nickname: Mart
Link: https://www.facebook.com/martsnocturnemort