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#1 15 Oct, 2012 06:34:53


Hello everyone.
I am Tanako! and i am a new artist here looking to get along with everyone.  i am a student currently working on a BA in Fashion Design and merchandising on the side i work on my comics withi i enjoy doing very much. i also enjoy hanging out with my friends, going to the movies and out to eat. i occasionally go bowling. i have a pet hamster who i get along with so well <3
so that's it big_smile nice to meet you all

And oh, i would like to post my comic here and i need to know how i get around doing that, thanks

#2 15 Oct, 2012 17:42:31


Hi Tanako, thanks for your introduction smile !
Your comic "boy with a secret" is really cool, I'm impressed by the number of pages you've drawn, how many years of work does it represent smile ?

It will be a pleasure to have you and your comic here, Tze will contact you tomorrow to explain you how it works wink.

... welcome !!!


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#3 15 Oct, 2012 23:47:14


:DAhhh thanks, im glad you like it. Boy with a secret is two years old and still currently updating twice a week, Wednesdays and Saturdays. i am looking foward to having my work displayed on the site. Thanks!

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