A big good news : the page presenting each comic has a new design, and new features !
Prettier design, advanced options, graphical stats !
Have look on "Memories" the new excellent comic of Tim :
If you're an author, some infos :
* the size and quality of the cover have been increased ! But if you uploaded your cover more than 12months ago, there is a chance that we did not have the original files and could not make a new cover with high quality. Please check if the result is good and don't hesitate to reupload a high definition cover !
* the "word from the author" box has been removed. If you had a text there, don't worry it's not lost . It has been moved in the "comic description".
We hope you will enjoy this new page !
Thanks for participating with us to the Amilova adventure !
Troy + The Amilova Team
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